Baby tigers - I am soooooooo jealous!! Keep having fun!!
Hey girls ,
Hope you lot are having fun . Am so jelouse wish i was away right now, miss t so much
U dont appreciate your mates untill they are a millon miles away with no contact by phone to have are gud old girly chat. Cant wait to see your next 7 day diary lol . Sounds like all is going well and you both are looking after each other . LOVE TO YOU BOTH ,
LOVE YOU LONG TIME 10 DOLLA hehehehe TC . nuff love , big up and respect hahaha mwah
p.s do u have a torch, u will need one for the boat ride xx
oh elephant trekking, sounds like your having fun and how mad is that ko san road. matt says invest in weed and a good cushion to get u through boat ride. LOL xx
Nicky Jackson
Sounds fab. Glad you're both having such a good time. xxxx
hey girls sounds llike your having a fabulous time !! if you cant be good be carful lol . ozy men yummy yummy xxxx
Sounds absolutely great...what mind expanding stuff!!!!
Hi!!!! Sounds so exciting and you've met two guys already, ha ha, you don't disappoint Rach! Have a fab time, loving the fact that you have a blog :-) xx
Vicky O'neill
OMG you made it!! We are just having lunch a work, thinking about how much fun you must be having!! So new you would find a man or two, take care, have fun girlies!! x x
Hi girlies,
Sounds like you are having a fab time! Can't believe you are there!!!! How exciting!! Thailand watch out!
Like the sound of the 2 guys from Sydney too, what did we tell you Rach!
Keep having fun & keep us updated!
hi girls hope you had a good flight ! now let your travels begin i want lots of pics and updates loves ya xxxxxxxxxxx
Love you long time . This site is gud . U will get loads off messages on hear . see miss ya already ..... Still cant believe u r going xxxxxxxxxxxxxx