Well, i haven't posted on here for aaaaaaages, shame on me! We've had exams up until this week, which was a bit poo but we've made up for the lack of social life this weekend. Went out last night and town was FULL of french people, none fit, you know french guys, but still it was quite good to speak french again after so long. I really don't have anything else to report as i have literally done nothing but exams for the past few weeks, so i'll leave it there, but i will update you as soon as something interesting happens! take care til then.xxxxx
woooooooooooooooooo!!! we're havin alcoholic smoothies!!!!!!!!!!! and it has banas in it, get me! you're not the only one trying new foods!! anyways, get in touch, any boys on the horizon?? loves u xXx
Colin And Ali
Oh by the way........MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Senor Williams
Hey Nik, i'm going to stick my neck out here, you may not have noticed........but i've not left many messages on your site have i?, yes, boo me, a slap on the wrist, detention (sorry, i'm in school) and all that.I was actually worried about your colin hate campaign, i hope i'm not wanted in in some rural part of Australia or something :-P. So things here are going ok, i mean better than they were for example a month ago, i was generally not having a nice time in Cardiff and things, i won't go into detail (i never do, the girls will tell you that :-P).
Anyway i feel that i'm missing out on this message board thingy so i form this moment on will endevour (teacher talk) to post more messages for you to read as you make your way around the world :-) I feel actually that i should make this an extra long message too because...........well because i bloody well want to :-). I'm a few weeks into my second placement in Porth School, which is just by Pontypridd, and i'm teaching about 10-12 hours a week so i'm pretty busy (again the girls will probably tell you otherwise, don't believe them).
So there are about 14 teaching days until easter now, so i'm looking forward to that. This weekend is going to be cool going to Oxford for the weekend, and Emma, just a note....i'm missing football this weekend too, now that shows a lot of love :-P hehe
OK Nik, i hope your doing great in NZ, take care and keep having an awesome time, i'll update soon, probably after this weekend, hablamos pronto (just in case you were missing a bit of Spanish), cuidate, Colin xxx
were you ever really loved?????????????????????????????? hahahahahahha, i'm soo fuuuuuuuuuuuuny! in quite a crazy mood tonite, am overworked me thinks but gonna let loose this weekend with the boys - oxford beware! plus, i;m missin the wolves game so its big love i'm givin farmer and williams!! also, i updated my journal, just for you afta that comment u left me the other day so check it out so i dont need to email til afta weekend. anyways, best love u and leave u, take care xXx oooh p.s hope you didn't join the trend in preganancy capital and find yourself up the duff! and p.p.s 2 days to go Kazzie, i'll be thinkin of u and toasting the traditional kazzie bday st patricks pint!! xXx
what - no messages for 1 week now - am i not loved anymore??? :(
aaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhhh!! revision is driving me insane! and i still have 2 weeks to go! :( you better start posting some more postcards and pics so i have something better to do with my time! lol! hope alls good with you? not much happening here really! rowing lots-got a big race on saturday, dont think we'll win that won unlike last weekend, but should be good fun all the same! then its revision revision revision! :( not much else to report really, although will prob have some goss for you soon, so will email that if and when i do! take care chicken and hopefully speak to you soon!
lots of love and hugs,
Charlie xxxx
Hellooooooooo! It's so long since I checked up on this here website of yours that even you've got browner, blonder and wiser(?!) since the last time I saw you. Always the last to catch on, it hadn't even occurred to me that I could write you little notes whilst I'm at work so I might just join the workshy Emma's of this world (Em I know this isn't true really of course!) and give you a few more regular updates.
Colin just came over to visit and told me that he hasn't written anything on here yet and now he's worried you'll hate him. At least he's made me look better (: Colin?: Hey Nik, i hope everything is going well for you, i'm having to type 1 handed now as i'm eating some courgette cake made by Katie and it has lemon curd in so it makes for sticky fingers :-P. We went to Cuba last night (no not the country, the bar) and it was pretty good, something i didn't think i'd ever say about the place. Thankyou so much for the card and text on my birthday, the card arrived weeks before, you were my first card :-) had a great time, went to old orleans too, yum yum, anywho, i'll write my own update soon, byeee :-) xxx
Half an hour later after Colin's attempt at one handed typing....'I'm back!' So, where did I get to? Think I was rambling as usual. So, what's been happening here? Hmm, office life is about as exciting as you can imagine, the other day we had a fire drill and we had to stand outside in the snow for an hour, wahoo crazy!
What else? Ooh, I got to walk around the pitch at the Millenium Stadium this weekend, and no I wasn't streaking. Was playing in between rugby matches with the Samba band parading around the pitch, quite cool.
Ok, Jen's talking on one side of me and Colin and Amy are talking on the other making it quite hard to concentrate on this email so think I will go for now. I will get on and write you a proper email soon that is slightly more informative and not quite so dull! Toodlepip for now xxx
Hey Nikki, sorry I missed you on msn the other day. I got back and I was so excited to see you were talking to me...but then you'd gone already...oh well, another time! Anyway, hellllloooo!! I haven't left a message on here for ages have I? sorry I'm crap! I kind of agree with Ali - this does seem to be Em's personal diary! hehe...but I guess that means the rest of us are just crap at leaving you messages. Ooh - Em's coming with us to south america - yay! Are you sure you don't want to stay there till end of june?! Or come back with us for a 5-week mini-break?? Anyway, NZ seems amazing - the hiking postcard thing made me laugh!! We're in LPC exams at the moment - so have all pretty much turned into hermits for the next 3 weeks...brings back memories of library days last summer!! so nothing very exciting to report from here. We had proper snow yesterday which was quite exciting acually, although its all gone now. Well I'd better start my day... of revision, revision and revision! take care and catch up with you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wee Kazza
howdy chucky, hows it goin in loverly bubberly NZ - sounds pretty coo-el. Make sure you get yourself to some fabalous kiwi vineyards - mmmm, grape! Sorry I bin so properly slack at messages, what a lamo I am. Got Las here at mo so we off to Padstow for a Stein's cream tea (hopefully not fish flavoured though). Not much else doin, just wanted to say ta soo much for my little parcel tis very cool, thankyou. And Em, I am so sorry I forgot your bday - how crap am I? Sounds like you had a wicked time though. Take care lovelies, xxx
Is this still Nikki's messageboard, or is it just Em's personal diary? Hard to tell... Anyway... Hi Nikki, Hope you're having a great time in New Zealand, I'll text you rugby scores again this weekend although I can tell you now we're going to maul the Jocks. Speak to you soon! xXx
You got any more pictures of Ayers (aires) rock, don't think you have downloaded enough yet! Not long til peru!