Hi, Just read your blog about the Italians are you sure that there hadnt stolen Party Dave's music collection? Anyway hope all is dandy.
Des x
Hey you two,
Looks and sounds like you're having an amazing time. Your photos of India bring back lots of memories for me. :) I wish I was travelling again. Take care. xx
Nicole And Suhanya
Hi Everyone
The internets a bit slow here so we can't update our blog. We will be updating again in Nov after our trek.
Great to see you guys in Kerala.. hope chenni was fun and Im looking forward to hearing of your himalayan adventures... soooo jellous!!
Take care
Melody John And Rebecca
Hi girls.Thank-you for keeping in touch.It was lovely to talk to you on your birthday Nicole,hope you had a fun evening.How was the bus trip up to Nepal? How did it compare to National Express! We'll look forward to chatting with you soon.Continue to keep safe.
Hugs from us XXX PS. Shadow our new addition turned out to be a male kitty cat Ah! XX
Happy Birthday Nicole, have a fantastic day! xxx
Glad you both having a great time. I wish i was there with you all, at Agra and Kerala. Wonder whether i will ever make it to those places. xxxxxxx
Boooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ellen Schlighti
I think you got to Goa. There are reemarkable embroidery places there. They do embroideries for Saks Five Avenue and other designers. If you ever see the famous ones, get a little square for your wedding dress - we can sew it in. If you have time get a book called Thre Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. It's about schools he beuilt in the Hindu Kush - near K2 in northern Pakistan. Buy yourself something gold- a bracelet or neck chain. Great buys. Grandpa is makiong pictures of you gorgeous girls.
Suhanya And Ncole
Just to say we had to edit of first blog entry as we couldnt do a new one!
Thanks to everyone for our messages!
Loving the pics. Looks like you are having a really great time. It should have been me!!!
Keep well, keep safe and keep posting the pics..
Hi you two!
Just looked at your pics. Looks amazing, am very jealous sat at my desk in work! Looks like you're having a fab time.