Hi all,
Latest upload is on our week in Ko Phangan, it was all about the full moon party but we arrived 5 days before it so we had lots of time to relax, or so we thought. We decided to stay in a place called Coral Bungalows as it was recommended in the guide book. Our bungalow was nice, it was really big and clean enough. When we were going out for a walk, there was a sign up for a pool party in our bungalows that night, so we thought we would give it a go as it was few days til full moon.
I'm absolutely disgusted to say that for one of the first times, I actually felt too old for something!!!! It was like being in Malaga, full of rowdy English and like an 18-30's holiday!! We were sitting on the outside of it all just thinking 'Dear God', but then we just thought if you can't beat them....... so we jumped into the pool with our buckets. It turned out not to be a bad wee night, but you got absol tortured. Matt went to the loo once and 3 different guys came over (originally all with the same chat up line....where you from?).
Anyway, we were glad to get to bed that night, our bungalow wasn't beside the pool so at least we could sleep. Then we got up the next day, and turns out the pool party is on EVERY night, they just change the date on the board!!
We defo were not up for that, so we got tickets to the Muay Thai boxing matches the next night. It was basically a boxing ring under a tin roof outside but it was a good night out. At first, I was thinking AHHHHH!!! They're just kicking the crap out of eachother, but after much laughing and explaining by Matt, it was easy to get into. There were 6 matches in all, some were a bit crap but they got better as they went on. In the middle they announced another 2 people into the ring and these 3 year old kids came out!!! But turns out they were boxers in training, and they weren't actually fighting lol.
One of the biggest problems we had in Hat Rin was finding something edible!!! Well, Matt seemed to get served decent food, all I ever got was manky chicken gristle or noodles you had to cut through with a knife!!
And was Full Moon!!! We went out and got our neon paint for that night and bought full moon vests so we could do it in style!! Made sure we had a nap during the day so we would last at it and a massive dinner so we wouldn't fade. Matt was doing my neon painting, obviously as a painter, it would be a million times better than what I could do myself. But I think he thought he was submitting something to uni, he took 45mins to do 1!!
lol so then we didn't have time to do anymore, so we just put the paint on our hands and did handprints all over eachother!!! When we actually got to the beach, we wished we had left more time for painting, everyones was class and ours looked like we were pissed when we done them!!
We just got a bucket and beer and walked up and down the beach to see what was going on. The place was pumping with people and it was low season! There were fire dancers and people with a massive skipping rope on fire which you just jumped in and skipped if you wanted. After watching several people lose a fringe or an eyebrow, needless to say we gave it a miss!! Further down the beach, we discovered a small fenced bit so we went over and it turned out to be a sleeping area!!lol So the idea was, you got full, slept it off on the beach and got up rearing to go again; it was hilarious!! And there were already people in it, at like 11pm, faders
It was a really good experience to see and do, but it was a bit mad. We certainly had our eyes opened; some things would have been at home in Tenerife; some people with zero shame; and some people in such bad states (on various sorts of highs) it was dangerous. Maybe I'm being an aul fart, cos they looked like they were still having a ball!!lol
Of course though, no update would be complete without some sort of drama!!! We got chatting to a Dutch girl on the beach and Matt went off to the loo and I waited and chatted to the Dutch girl. After (a long) while, I noticed that Matt wasn't back and knew he prob couldn't find his way back so I waited for while to see if he passed us, then I went to our 'meeting point', where we arranged earlier in case we got seperated. I couldn't see him so I went back to the beach and waited a little longer but no sign!! So I got a taxi home with the Dutch girl (which she kindly paid for cos Matt had all the money ), and he wasn't at the bungalow!! I decided to wait cos no point in us both moving about and I knew he would be looking for me and would probably show at the bungalow soon enough. About an hour later (I was almost sleeping outside at this point!!), he came panting round the corner!!! He'd been looking for me for hours and had other people looking for me as he couldn't find where he'd left me lol. He said he was at the meeting point for 45 mins and couldn't see me (I possibly may not have realised he was even gone at this stage), so he'd been combing the beach!!! Aaaaaaanyway, we were both safe and sound, but what a drama!! So all in all, we were really only at the beach for couple of hours lol but at least those hours were fun!!
And to top it all off, lying outside the bungalow gave the mosquitoes a green light to go nuts on me!! Where did they go nuts?? Somehow, all over my bum!!! Woke up next morning with like 6 bites on my backside and have spent all my time ever since trying not to scratch the arse of myself in public in case people think I had scabies or something Matt got a big bite on his face too and he looks like desperate Dan on one side lol
Although we had fun, we were both glad to get off Ko Phangan as it wasn't really our cup of tea. It was a bit hardcore and not really what we came to Thailand for and the prices of the rooms over full moon were absolutely extortionate!! So we left there this morning and are now in Ko Phi Phi, where we have been dying to get to. We skipped through Phuket to get here, only spending one night and landed this evening. It looks absolutely gorgeous and I'm sure we'll spend a fortune seeing round it.
Hope you enjoy!! x
- comments
stuart podmore my god guys its better than my dissertation lol hope you guys are all good I have never been so jealous in my life lol so wish I was their, as you can guess you aint missing anything at home its pishing it down outside me and lara are going to glasgow on friday to get out of belfast for a while its doing my f***in head in lol omg im so depressing look at me going on lol love you guys more than ever cant wait too see you guys in like 11 months lol 329 days lol love ye loads stay safe have a blast xxxxxxxxxxxxx