I was prompted to send the words of this very old song when I was looking at all your photos & videos
O LORD MY GOD! when I in awesome wonder, consider all the works Thy hand hath made, I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed.
When through the woods and forests glades I wander & hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees; When I look down from the lofty mountain grandeur, & hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze;
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee, How great Thou art!
Much to you both
Love Mum & Dad
Claire And Rob
Hey guys :o) Dunno how you're e-mail works through here but i can see ur blogs work ok so just thought i'd say hey and let ya know that we just sent you some info through about coming out to tanzania next yr. Just need some advice on flights and dates :o) Hope thats cool, take care, love ya lots xxxxxxxx
Hey Sara yea watched both the games over here, shame about the second one hey!! Still top lol!! Its wicked out here, doing so much cool stuff, hope ya like the pics and videos!! Hope ya well, what ya up to?? Nick and Nat xx
Hey guys! no words besides it looks like you are having an amazing time! nat i am sooo jealous of your tan! hope your enjoying every minute! nick...man u hey-pete is on the edge of his seat! looking forward to chelsea game this sat-we are in manchester for a weeding so the atmosphere will be amazing! dont know if your folowing it out there at all! prob ahving to much fun! love to you both xxx
Nick & Nat
Hello people, sorry about slowness of videos and photos being uploaded but the internet connections as ya can imagine are'nt great at all. They will come though lol!!
Martin/anna Pearse
Great to read your blog and see the photos/videos. No beach photos?? Have sent you an email via this site. Enjoy the falls and different scenery, and keep posting the photos, as it is good to see you and share your fabulous experiences. All our love.
Hey guys!! hope ur having lots of fun very jealous missing my natalie!!! will keep nosing at your photos but hating the fact u are tanned already and im still pale from all my cloud bathing in england!!!! lots of love!! Anne-Marie xxxx