Vietnam to Peru 2010
So day 1 is just about over. It has been an interesting experience already! Having landed at Bangkok airport, I got the bus to my ho(s)tel. Took ages to get through the the rush hour, with tuctucs and scooters seeming to have the advantage at traffic lights. Went for a few Chang beers 6.4% scott don't think they serve them that strong on moyeseyside. Met up with some Jap guy and Dutch girl who were both much stranger than me, but had a good craik nonetheless. Sadly the night had to end early as I'm up at half 4 to get to th'airport for my nam flight. So I'm off top bed. See you all in nam.
- comments
Will Smith Glad to hear you made it in one piece, good job you were only in Bangkok for one night anything can happen in that place!!!
Johnny Red I was all set to post some 'witty' banter about how it's been 24 hours since you left and you couldn't be bothered to update your blog because you were too busy seeing an amazing city and exploring the sights... but look you made time. Just to keep you in the loop Dave (84) and I (83) played golf yesterday and met Ste (injured) on the putting green. As you can see, things have completely changed since you left! 4-1 against Donny... We've officially turned the corner! Glad it's going well (is my response longer than your blog?) You remind me of Nam.
Hodge I'm just imagining redders in Bangkok!
Pam Oliver Get you Mr Organised - updating blog at end of day 1. Glad all going ok - like the sound of the Chang beers.