I write this blog as I'm about to leave Cairns, on the North East coast of Oz. Well actually, I left there a few days ago now, but here goes...I flew up from Melbourne and arrived late at night to a torrential rain storm. Then I realised it's in a tropical climate and it's the wet season at the moment! Greg's girlfriend Leyen had some time off, so joined me in Cairns which was fun.
We booked a 3 dive scuba on the Great Barrier Reef and headed out on the first day from the gloom and rain of Cairns, to the beautiful blue skies of the Reef, about an hour from the mainland. We did 3 dives at different areas of the reef which was great. 2 minutes into the first dive, we saw a 1.5m long turtle nibbling at the algae on some dead coral, which was a good start. That was followed up by several more turtles, and 3 Black Tipped Reef Sharks - cooool! The diving was great, although the recent cyclone that went through northern Queensland meant that visibility wasn't great. Nonetheless, we thoroughly enjoyed the trip. Great Barrier Reef dives. Done.
The following day we woke up to...more rain. No worries, we did a rainforest and river tour, where we saw saltwater crocs (albeit babies), an Amethyst Python digesting its lunch in a tree and several other beasties. After battling with a kangaroo over lunch, we swam in another river - a freshwater steam without crocs this time - and took in the sight of Cape Tribulation, where the rainforest meets the Great Barrier Reef. Our guide was an enthusiastic local who told us everything there was to know about the area, and then cooked us steaks on the barbie for lunch. Top fella.
Our final day in Cairns was all about excitement...we went back to the rainforest to the AJ Hackett Bungee set up and did the Minjin Sky swing - the dude videod it on my camera, so you'll see the video on FB as soon as I get round to uploading it. Sadly I bottled bungee. We made it to the 50m platform at the top and looked at the dots on the ground that resembled people. It was hard enough getting to the top of the platform. Hopefully, I'll get some balls and do a bungee in Queenstown, NZ in a few weeks time!
From Cairns I headed south again to meet Greg at the Whitsunday Islands for a 2 day sailing trip around the islands...arguably the most perfect sailing environment in the world. We boarded "Siska", a former winner of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race and headed around the islands for 2 days of snorkelling, sailing and eating fairly decent food for a boat. I think Greg and I knew at least as much about sailing as the skipper (I reckon more), but the crew were all a good laugh and gave us the chance to get involved by hoisting the sails etc. We also visited Whitehaven Beach (see pic) which was just idyllic.
The snorkel trips from the boat were ok, but once again visibility was hampered by the recent poor weather. As it's still marine stinger season, we wore stinger suits to protect us from the threat of being stung by Box Jellyfish - the most deadly animal in Oz. And you can hardly see them in the water either apparently! Thankfully, we didn't encounter any and got back for some beers and food with the guys back in Airlie Beach.
Greg was flying back to Sydney after that and my trip continues South. Further updates soon folks. Hope you're all well, take care.
- comments
Grandma I have been catching up with your adventures Neil. I am really glad you are enjoying yourself and keeping safe. I really would have liked to have been with you when you visited the Barrier Reef it is one place where the water always appears clear and warm for swimming. Although I would have been worried about the jellyfish. I am also rather envious of the weather you are having as we can't shake off the winter cold snap.I suppose you will be looking forward to spending some more time with Greg again when you arrive back in Sydney. Will you be staying in a motorhome when you visit New Zealand ? I hope the weather stays fine for the rest of your adventures and that you enjoy your last few days in Australia. Missing seeing you, take care, Love Grandma x