Girls night at the Turkish Bath! The baths were built hundreds of years ago, during the Ottoman period and they are lovely! Normally women are only allowed in the Hamam on TUesdays between 6 am and 10 am, but the locals who run Project Hope asked the owner of the Hamam if he could make a private night for Project Hope volunteers so that the women could use the Baths. So, we got the first hour, and the first room is just a huge heated tile floor and you lay on the hot stones for a while (so relaxing), then you go to the sauna, then you go to the steam room, then you have a cold shower, then you have a hot shower with a natural loofah and fresh made olive oil soap...Oh My God, if you want to feel like a million bucks, I highly reccomend it, especially b/c we don't have showers in the apartment, so not only did I get my first shower in nearly a month, but it was hot!
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