G'day folks! Long time no update!! I'm cheating a little here, I'm actually in Airlie Beach, and not Cairns, but since this blog is for Cairns then that's where I am!! I adored Cairns, it was such a beautiful place, and it was proper civilisation, with pubs clubs shops and restaurants! And I spent most of my time in Cairns with Emma, the girl I met in Singapore. So that was good too! Made Cairns even better!!
The flight to Cairns was great, one thing I can say about flying in Australia is Qantas are amazing! They make you so comfortable and serve pretty decent meals, for airplane food! As we flew towards Cairns the sun was setting so it was very picturesque too! I got to my hostel safe and sound and was sitting with Emma wen these English guys invited us to play cards! So we said yesand had such a good night! The card games turned to drinking games and thats enuff said really!!
The next day I sent stuff home so that I could actually lift my bag... it had crept up to 26kgs... not exactly sure how!! So got it all sorted then had a dander round the shops, Cairns has good shopping!!! But I didn't buy anything for myself, except food! And again the following day I traipsed around the shops looking for something special enough for Susan's 21st birthday! I found something and got that sent home too, so hopefully it gets there before her birthday! We went out for dinner that night to the Woolshed, and I got Vegetable pasta with cheese, and garlic bread for $3! Gotta love the bacpacker prices!!
Now, Thursday I wet on a cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. Me being me I was sick a few times (alcohol and choopy seas... not a good combo!) but once I got out there I was fine! So I got myself suited and booted literally in a stinger suit (very sexy) and little booties! Then I got my tank on and got briefed on the rules of Scuba (I was throwing up when they briefed the rest of them!). Then it was time to get in the water! It was a bit scary getting in, you just gotta step off the boat lol! But once I was in it was grand. We did exercises on wot to do if your mask filled with water and if your regulator fell out of your mouth. After we all did that successfully the air was let out of our inflatable jackets and down we went! It was a surreal feeling, looking up at the surface of the water! It was amazing though, swimming around with the fish, tho I found myself flipping over quite a lot so I had to practice a lot at staying the right way up! It was hilarious though!! After the dive we went to another site and went snorkelling, it was fun too but not as good as the diving!! On the way back I just slept to stop myself throwing up! Daryll my instructor left my certificate under my bag but fell into me on a rocky bit and woke me up! He kept me going about doing an amazing impersonation of a chainsaw (in other words that I was snoring). It was funny at the time!! That night I just completely crashed out after getting my underwater pics developed!!
Friday I was meant to start my Oz Experience, but conveniently missed the bus, obviously the diving took more outta me than expected! So I just faffed about the hostel and walked about Cairns for the last time!
Reading back on this blog it turns out I didn't do much in Cairns, but I had an amazing time, met lots of people and just had a lot of fun!! It may have been a boring read for you guys and I'm sorry bout that, but I could hardly just write "went diving, was great!!" now could I??
Next update will be very soon, and will be from Airlie Beach lol
Love and miss you all xxx
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