Dreieich Sprendlingen, Germany Aug 24, 2012 The first day of no sun and below 20degrees and it's bliss. The dogs are making up for lost sleep.
Dreieich Sprendlingen, Germany Aug 19, 2012 I have never been so hot. It is the hottest day of the year and I an officially a cold person. No more heat now please. 50 degrees is way to hot. I don't know how the dogs survive but they are better that us by far.
Dreieich Sprendlingen, Germany Jul 29, 2012 I can't believe that you can't ware paddles. Such a disappointment in a lovely outdoor pool. I well at least we get to cool down. Over the past few weeks not less than 30degrees I think and on Friday 42. To hit to move or even think about moving.
Dreieich Sprendlingen, Germany Jul 25, 2012 It is soooo hot that even my eyes start to sweat when I put my sun glasses on. Is that even possible???