Pete wanted us to say hello to you all and that he is sorry he hasn't rung - but he is thinking of you all! He's gone to get ready for the bus now but i will wave to you on his behalf :)
Love Naomi x
Lydia :d
How can you say hope you aren't getting too jealous!! Thats just ridiculous lol! ah it sounds like you're in pride rock! You've met pumba and simba and narla and the hienas!! any sight of zazoo!? ah im soo incredibly jealous but im so excited for you all! haha ruth donnan and her washing! :P wow the equator! Now i know that there actually is such thing! according to Al hodkinson the weather at the equator is overrated lol ok im babbling! sorry!
Imsitting in a little cottage in a place called warkworth which to let you know was named by an englishman coz he thought it was like the warkworth in england. Its only 11060 miles away! How do i know? Coz its on a postcard! and guess what i can see when i look out the window.........the exotic.................are you ready?........sheep!!! And lamb! Theyre amazng creatures, they eat grass and err eat a bit more grass it really is fasinating! I dont know whether youve ever seen one? maybe? Hehe!
I'm so soo glad you're enjoying yourselves it really does sound amazing and thankyou for writing on this blog to all of you i love reading it even if it does make me go green with jealousy! And hiiii my lovely ami!! I very much do care what you think!! :D It was fab to hear from you!
its 22 days til i see you! ahh i cant believe it!
Love you all hugggggely!!
Jen- Heyy! :D Im really great thankyou!!How are you!? I telly ou what i'll send you an email so we can catch up!! :D speak soonxx
dearest mother claire- Hahahah how could i foret the sniffing bums dance!! It was truly inspirational!! heheh! You know sometimes before school i get up and put on gods love is big and superhero and have my own mini summer specials in my room! hehe it wakes me up!! :) Love you xxxxxxxxxx
Jen :)
Hiya, amy, soph, naomi, rach, rach, bayley and ami!!!
WOW sounds like your all having a fab time! Wish I was there. Miss you all xxxxxxx
p.s Ami, the dance is going really well looks fab see you soon x
Mum/lydia's Second Mum..ha Ha
Hi Earl family (minus me!)
Glad you seem to have had a fab time on Safari.
Weather here is as miserable as ever.
Hi to all Naomi (and Stuart's ) friends.
The dances just aren't the same without you. Do you remember our sniffing bums dance last year? xx
Hiya! Wow. It all sounds amazing. Africa truly is a unique country! Haven't met the cast of Wild at Heart then? HaHa. Hope you continue to have a great time and see you when I see you xxx
Jen :p
Heya, sorry I haven't wrote anything sooner but it sounds like your all having a fab time. Enjoy the safari and will see you all very soon for summer specials!
p.s Say hi to everyone from me, I miss you all! xxxx
p.p.s hiya lydia how are you?
Lydia :d
:D:D so great to hear from you! I cant wait to see you! Whoa your experiences so far sound amazing. Some of it hard to read so i cant imagine what it must have been like to actually see it for yourself! I hope the safari goes well although i know it will bamazing! ah cant tell you how jealous i am right now! hehe! Have fun lots of love the bennetts xxx p.s Hi julia if you read this :P x
Great to read all your news! Sounds challenging but FAB! Didn't realise we could send you messages how out of date am I. Hope Safari goes well!
Love Julia x PS from Alex, Grace and not forgetting Jason
actually.. i'm not sure if it is wansbeck. lol! will you ask them that too!
heya again!!
It still sounds fab!! Pleeeeaaaassee!! can you do me a favour though and ask on of the Donnans what number Mari Holi's house is on Wansbeck road. Just because we're now posting out shares so all of you will be rushing to the bank when you get home lol! If they know, then thats fab please can you let me know. Vanessa was mean to ask you but it doesn't look like she has, lol!
Keep smiling! lots of love! xxxxxxxx
Lydia :d
ah! Thats so exciting that the building is nearly finished!! You should be really proud of yourselves! :) Love xx p.s i looke up why you have to do a sum! Its so that they know that you are a 'real' person instead of you know the robots and creatures dressed up as people that are very common these days! x
Hi!!! well you sound like you're having an amazing time and nomie your blog is so fab!! I just ca't belive that you are getting to see and do all of this stuff!!!
I saw some builders making a wall yesterday and i was like haha i've never seen anyone except bob the builder make things like that, but apparently you will be building like that im sure you're like bessie the builder or whatever haha
this has turned into a bit of a ramble so i'm very sorry, but just keep on having fun and enjoy every second