Our first blog is uneventful, which is probably a good thing since it's all about flying. Drove to LAX in record time at 3:30 am and made it in just over one hour from Encinitas. Maddie and Roxie snuggled in my lap. After kisses and "Good-byes" to Maggie and the Babies, I met up with Rosemary and Mary Kay where we proceeded to wait in line after line after line and then it was time to board.
Got into Miami early, had lunch at the Corona Bar & Grill, and now we are sitting at the Admiral's Club. Rosemary is on her kindle, I'm writing this blog and Mary Kay decided to head outside to smoke. Hope she realizes that she has to come back through another long security line.
A nice guy gave us his drink coupons, so I'm thinking of sauntering up to the bar and getting a cocktail.
I apologize for a boring blog, hopefully the next one is more eventful and interesting. But I wanted to test this out anyway. I'm writing on my "Zippy" keyboard which is blue-toothed to my iphone (how cool is that?).
See you on the flip side in Madrid.
- comments
Patti I am enjoying the first leg of the journey, just wishinhg I were traveling with you, happy trails
patti cute photo!!
Pate' waiting for entry #2, too much sangria already? LOL