Hello Stu just been looking at all your new pics there great the wave boulder looks exactly like the ocean amazing how that formation got there is mind bogeling loved the spam and hello mum at the Pinnacles in the sand brought a lump to my throat and made me smile. your looking really well Stu loved the LFC tops. The videos are brill the train,footie match sounds good atmosphere,and Snow Patrol chasing cars !!!! whow cheers for that.Your obiously still have a great time out there in Oz so take care my Stu love you loads Bungle the Bugsxxxx
Howdy cobber howya doing matie have yer seen any more bush kangeroos you did make me laugh i could just imagine your face when that one bounded across the road infront of you ha ha when you were in the middle of nowhere!! We all went to see Coppa del Ray Quinn on Monday he was brilliant such a cheeky chappie, the support werent very good but he brought the house down standing ovations we had a great night. went for a carvary at the Priory had really scrummy roast beef with all the trimmings !! just to make you feel home sick ah im sorry Stu, thought I was going to burst it was delicious. Cant wait to see the new pics when you get time to do them now your working an all I know you wont get that much time. Anyway Im away to my bed now Im knackered Love you lots Paul creeping round my legs as Im doing this hes trying to tell me hes missing you oh my god hes just jumped up on the desk I tell you Im sure he thinks im you xxxx bungle ry
hiya Stu by the time you read this you have done your first day at your new job hope it all went ok back in the land of the living eh, text me when you get all the tools I sent out for you.I was watching Ronnie O earlier and flicked on the red button and was amazed to see Joys son Ben playing Ding unfortunately he lost 3-0 Ithink it was his first time on TV still I was surprized to see him.Anyhow away to see who we get in the final next week no matter really atleast were there looks like Josh Lewsie might be out injured shame if he is he played fantasticly but eh oh. love you lots take care Bungle xxxx
Heyup you large foreskin nibbler - you ok? i see you have been watching Aussies equivilant of Liverpool !!. I hope you have been having a little dabble on betfair down there as there has been some cracking bets lately, even forest are winning. i even managed to lay Aston villa at 1.04 when they were 4-1 up against Spurs and it resulted in a draw - LOTS OF BEER TOKENS!. If you are not going to be here at New Year is there any chance of sending me a few quid as you usually have a bender and i can get all the lads a few drinks on your behalf? except the cockney p****as he`s a tosser and never comes over to see us anymore.Have got major work going off at my Gaff as header tank in loft burst (old galvanised tank) and mains pressure was running all day flooding whole house - all new ceilings, walls replastering, new carpets, kitchen units,bathroom throughout, you name it and its being replaced - all computers, printers, cameras etc - they reckon another 6-8 weeks before they can start proper as its got to dry out, if the dog had been at home that day, i dont think he would be here now as the ceiling caved in above his basket - hes been walking around in a sou`wester lately while telling everyone to call him Noah. Nowt to report on the shagging front as even piglet not on the scene so turning into a right w***er - mind you winston looks good in a skirt. time to go - look after yourself mate.
wack and noah
hello, just a quick message to see if you are ok and hope you are enjoying yourself lots of love jack xx
great Ive sorted it even though Paul ball is all round my legs xxx
hiya stu lets hope I got it right this time great blog worth the wait if this doesnt work Im chucking it out the window here goes love you lots take care and best of luck with your new job on monday xxxx bungle the bugs.
hello again
Pete And Shar
So you think your eyes have seen the glory eh ! Well me old c*** a doodle they ain't seen @#$% all 'til you watch your missus spittin a nipper out ! What a traumatic experience sweat, tears, blood and drugs, then sharmaine started doing the same. Yes, we have a new edition to the family a cracking baby boy named Che. He is the dogs danglies mate a real belter.
Nice to see you have used the Spam wiseley grasshopper, confucious say:
" man who takes long journey need plenty of processed pig ! " something wise like that anyway !
With regards to the Spam, you need to take that little baby to Hawai. They will think you are some kind of God or something coz that is their national dish. they can't get enough of the stuff it's the equvalent of showing me a kebab after 10 (or so) pints, or, showing waynewatch a person smaller than him. No really it's that kind of excitement. I'm tellin you mate get out there, your english (birds love it !), your carrying a tin of sacred food, and you can surf ! (remember in the chequers body surfing, after coming back from blackpool.) They will think royalty has turned up.
You must be in heaven at the moment though regarding your pub side eh. Sat niceley on the top of the pile and looking every inch a contender for the title. Hammering the sheep loving chaps from down the road 6-0.
Leeds have nearly all but pulled back their 15 point deduction awarded to them by the B******'s at the F.A & gave the tricky trees a good belting on their home turf. it really don't get much better me old pal does it !
Will sign of now mate as i feel this could turn into a novel.
Hope you are keeping well and living the dream through your blood shot eyes, the photo's and the messages are wicked mate a right laugh.
All the best mate see you when we see you, Best wishes Pete,Sharmaine,Kobi & Che.
Claire And Stu
hi stu,
just bn sat having a big look at ur fantastic pics!!! loved them!!we,v deceided that youve got to keep ur busy beardy shaved off!!!! makes you kook sooooooo much younger!! stu youve loist soooo much weight!! well done!hows the house hunting going have you had the chance to go and look at anything yet?is work ok? are you still working by the pie shop? lucky boy just like having a birds on your door step!!eh!well i had a lovely birthday,@ we did go to amories like i thought we would,eat everything stuffed mushrooms ,strogonoff @ a crazycream 2 fruit pudding with spaklers sticking out of the top!!! bledy thing i was so embarrassed! the whole resterant sang happy b,day.stu took the kids camping for the weekend fri. they went to billin aquadrome down in northampton only wayne @ puss went this year! but they still had a great time ,dont know who it was 4 the most men or kids!!!???you know stu allways out to enjoy himself!! he reconds that wayne went to bed at 7 even millie stayed up later then her dad! i dont know if i believe him!!!boys went back to school to day six weeks has past by so quickly! stu said hello @ hopes your looking after yourself! man of many words eh.im at the chequers this sat singing so im hoping that will be a good nite! went all the way to measham last sat and it was absolutly hopeless!! the most people in all nite was bout six! couldnt wait to get home.we,re going to doncaster races next week!! reeeaaalllllly looking forward to it ,you know how excited i get! dont think stu will want to take me again? what do you recon?have you found any good watering holes? or been out much since you,ve got there? mum said you,d been watching the footy.well stu im in demend again its 10 at nite and ive got to go get the bledy sewing machine out as toms refusing to wear his new school trousers as he said there like FLARES!see never a minutes peace! take care love, we all miss you@ i wish you were coming home soon!!speak to you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @xxxxxxxx
Hithere tell you what Stu I feel like Oliver Holt from the Mirror !! chief reporter ha ha, here we go again another fantastic result puts Liverpool momentarly top of the league!!! how about that eh 6-0 yes 6 against new boys Derby,I think Im right in saying all of our new signings have scored now away to go eh.Dont know if you managed to see it cos it wasnt televised here but Im sure youll find it somewhere on the web.To athletics now the 4by1 relay saw Jamacia get 2nd in the final why I mention it Asifa Powell was about 6 or 7th down comming into the straight Stu god he went like a bullet to pip GB into 3rd what an awsome man he is Icould watch him all day long,yes I know Im loosing the plot but hey ce la vie who cares . Well signing off now Stu miss you love yer Bungle the bugs xxxx