Sounds a brill adventure, we are so jealous, wish we had the same chance. We had to have excitment with a bottle of cider in Northcliffe as kids. Keep it going. Good to read about you but the vodka in a bucket sounds a bit scary.If you are going anywhere near Koolewong NSW when you get to Aussie let me know and I'll give you a friends address. He has flushing toilet, swimming pool and showers.
Hi Kim
Isent a blog earlier today but its not showing yet.I may have sent it twice cos I thought I must have done it wrong the first time.
um also asked me to remind you that you should confirm your flights with the airline up to 72hours before you fly. miss you. Love Dad
hey, sorry ive not been messaging u, on my comp it wont let me even see the message board...not sure y but hey. At granny n grandads now, just bin pub lunch n (kinda) missed u...thats as far as i will EVER admit! Sounds like ur havin a great time, will email soon. Go to New York on tuesday!!!! Have fun Lee
Babs And Sand
Dear Kimmie,
Sand and I are asking you to save a place on the beach with a nice cold drink with a long tall man for us. Flights booked, bags packed, passport ready!! You sound as though you are having a fantastic time x x
Hi you two. Glad to see you still enjoying yourselves. The beach looks brill, total paradise. Keep an eye on those monkeys and keep a tight grip on that camera!! Afraid I can't guarantee that there will be any Easter Eggs left for you by the time you get back. You know what I'm like with chocolate. Oh well I'll do my best. Hugs and kisses to you both. Love mum
oh my god you have to answer that sum???!! ok I look really daft now but hey!!! Megz I'll email you!
ok tried putting a message on 3 times now and it won't work!! Oh well knowing me they'll all appear at once and I'll look like a loon! Never mind
Hello you 2,
Ignore the previous message,they are just bitter and totally wrong cos its Bradford thats ace, the weather, people, atmosphere.
Good lord I bet you wish you were back here hard at work and rusty from the rain instead of sitting on sun drenched beaches sipping cocktails and relaxing!!!!
Still miss you lots and look foreward to seeing you both.
Lots of love Marmxxxxxxxx
Spadj N Stevie
yo yo yo, ahhhhhh! well we're actually quite glad that we're sat in a nice cool room with carpet and toilet paper and no mozzies. Leeds is ace, we wouldn't want to be there at all, bnecause without u2 two there THAILAND SUCKS ARSE!!!!!!!
Haver fun u losers.
Dad & D
Hello U 2. nice to see you both continuing to take it easy and enjoying yourselves. Megan - i'm sorry about the person posting messages saying Bulls are stars - he is probably missing his medication for his delusional state! (5th April Rhinos are at Odsal - watch this space!) Take care of each other, love you lots Dad & D XXXXXRHINOSXXXXX
Hi you two. Are you getting fed up of living in paradise yet? Im sure you would rather be at home studying working or tidying your bedrooms. The difference between you and everyone here is you are brown with suntan and we are green with envy. Anyway why do people keep saying the Rhinos are best when everyone knows its the Bulls that are real stars!!Keep enjoying yourselves and Kim its bad enough falling over when you are drunk but when you are sober.........dear o dear.Love dad
Hey Guys!!!! oh im soooo jealous, i want to be where you are (minus the dodgy loo's!!) although bet Bradford was nearly as sunny today! well ive got good news for ya.... worked at La Rue on sunday and took a booking for xmas day so you've still got a job for when you come home at xmas! lol! anyways continue to have a wicked time, cant wait for the pics!!! take care, much love! x x loulouai!