Hi hope all is well and you are still both madly in love and not arguing to much about who drinks to much! Ha Ha.
We are all fine this end Ria is all loved up and Alex is still doing the long hair thing.Stuart is cutting my hair now and says hi.Still hasnt got any money or a women,no change there.
Take care,love from us all.xxxx
Hey you guys,
Wow, wow and wow. Looks awesome out there. Views are amazing and you seem to be having loads of fun. Keep the updates coming.
Miss you loads, Big hugs
love, Jem xx
Hi Guys
It's great catching up with all the things you've been up to. The scenery looks breathtaking I particulary like the photos of Matt and the coconut - looks like you really bonded! Not much happening here, our builders were supposed to have finished yesterday but due to the wet, cold and generally crap weather, they are really behind. I'm now sulking and painting the kitchen to take my mind off the building site outide. Apart from that, we're all good.
Love to you both and keep adding the photos.
Mr Reuben Youngblood
looks great there ,have sent emails but dont know if you received anyway ,Norwich is crap cold and wet just like winter at the moment if i was you i would stay on holiday have a good time oh i think slippery is running at a loss which i know will make you giggle,love to see the pics regards to you both reuben grace and family
Becky, Matt, Ella & Grace
Hiya both
Good to hear from you. Looking forward to seeing the pic's. I can't believe Grace is 2. She had a lovely birthday and christening and keeps saying 'water on head'!! Jo sorted out Son's desk, you know I'm useless at that sort of thing and Jo and you are the best desk dressers!! ...and Frannie. Son is enjoying herself in the fine city of 'Dublin'. It's getting cold now, warmer for you guys, I'm sure.
Enjoy yourselves, keep in touch and take care.
All our love Becky, Matt, Ella and Grace xxxx
i miss you :(
Sarah & Chris
Hi Everyone
Just to let you know that Matt & Katie are having an awesome time camping their way up north. They are currently in Cairns which is about 20hrs drive from Tucker Street Hotel.
They encountered some rain and some locals, but everything is great and they are safe and well.
Sarah (Matt's Cousin)
Becky, Matt, Ella & Grace
Hi Guys
You look like you're having an excellent time. Love having the updates and seeing the pictures! Just got back from our hols to a wet and cold England - although today was hot!! We had a lovely time, another video for Matt to work on! Grace is really putting all her words together now and we think she is going to be a real natter box - don't know where she gets that from!! Ella wants me to let you know she has lost her two top teeth and made a wish to the tooth fairy to keep them so you can see them when you come back!!!! I bet you can't wait!
Anyway take care guys, enjoy this great oportunity and fingers crossed on camping take 2.
All our love, Becky, Matt, gummy Ella and natterbox Grace xxxx
Hey Uncle Matt and Auntie Katie, how you doing. Looks like you are having a fab time on your honeymoon/holiday/year lazing about and doing nothing ! Sorry to hear the weather was a bit rough and you didn't make camping. Weather here is lovely today, have spent the day in the park playing. Now on dads computer although i should be asleep as it is now 21:10 - don't tell anyone. Anyway wanted to say hi, and miss you both, have even learnt how to say Katie now. Will show off when I next speak to you both.
Bye for now
Thomas x x x
Debs, Rob & Jamsie
Hi Katie and Matt hope you are both well, it sounds as if you are loving every minute!!! Glad you are being well looked after too, well being spoilt I bet!!! We all miss you loads - I'm glad the time is flying by in a way but things have just been soooo busy I aint had the time to sit and write this until now- sorry!!! Katie I am SURE I was following UUE the other day, I couldn't quite remember the first bit tho - anyway if it was him he looked happy!! Jamsie is doing ok despite lots of illness in the last few weeks-sickness etc, as babies do!!! Anyway must get on as doing this from work, how naughty! You two take care and continue having lotsa fun!!! Will mail you again soon.
Loveya loads xxxxxxxxxxx
hey, things look good over in oz.Am really sorry i couldn't make your big day but traffic was murder! can't believe you had darren huckerby there too( no wait sorry it's andy!). have fun travelling north in your BEAST!!!! take care and speak again soon.
Bren xxx
Sarah & Chris
Don't our puppies look gorgeous?.......They love their photo being taken! Safe travels up north guys....watch out for the mozzie's and the locals! You'll know what I mean once you get back!
Take Care, Love Sarah, Chris, Holly & Aussie (aka Tucker Street Hotel) xx