Hi, back at work now on a phased return for 3 weeks. Going to Troon tomorrow for a spa day - will try swimming! Not nearly as magical as your adventures. Take care with the skiing! Missing you both. xxx
Kolina, Kim & Ella
Skiing - I'm with your Daddy Bear. Mos - be sure to wrap my bestie in bubble wrap and put trainer wheels on her skis… and remember to steer clear of the black runs - maybe hang out with the kids in the roped off section… OK in all seriousness - have a blast, you will love it. If you have the time, give boarding a crack also - I reckon you learn quicker on a board than you do on skis. Look forward to hearing how you enjoyed the experience… Love to you both xx
Florence looks lovely Laura. You didn't bump into Hannibal lecter then ? I'm a bit nervous of the skiing thing. Stick to the flat bits ha ha. Mostyn . Don't you be taking my daughter up the slopes ha ha. We don't want any more stookies. Have fun xxxxx dad
Hi guys, your trip is amazing, you won't want it to end, just a wee message to let you know we thinking of you and can't wait to see you. Parlianoitaliano yet lol, love you take care Janet xxxx
Hi Laura and Mostyn, ok Monte Carlo now added to the travel list ,looks fantastic .Relieved to hear that the blog is now back up and running.You have probably reached Florence by now enjoy. As you said one power ball.Missing you xxx Mum and Dad
Hi Laura. Sorry to hear you lost your phone but so glad to see you are back on form on the blog. I was getting concerned. It all looks amazing particularly Monte Carlo. Keep enjoying
From a very envious kath xxxx
Oh how the other half live...!! Well, if you're going to lose your phone, might as well be to a nice resting place. Travel agent hat on - call your travel insurance company and let them know what's happened, it will make the claims process much easier : )
Hey dad! Aww, tree down... One thing I've noticed here is that Christmas and new year seem to last for ages, all the lights and trees are still in full swing, outside the casino is amazing, full snow scene set up, all the Xmas tres are white with silver, it's gorgeous... Heading out soon for a big walk around the town will take lots of pics, love u lots xxx
Sorry sweetheart missed out the xxx
Hi guys Monaco looks very nice. Don't lose too much on the tables whilst your rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. Had to do your job today Laura ( taking the tree down ) ha ha enjoy your stay and we look forward to seeing more pics and hearing about your trip
Dave And Les
Happy New Year Laura and Mostyn, hope 2014 is a good one. We went to Glasgow yesterday to see Pinocchio - oh yes it was fab! Brooke and Kaci enjoyed. Off to see the Lion King in Edinburgh tomorrow. Loving following all your adventures. Good luck at the casino. Missing u lots. xxx
I'm loving reading all your messages!! Thanks for staying tuned and posting comments, warms my heart every time! Stu- glad u had an awesome time in Amsterdam, can't wait to catch up and swap stories when we return to EK... Janet- I've just searched your song on iTunes, thinking, what a good idea it would be to create a play list that's about every place we've been to- but that's a shocker, haha!! Can't wait to spend an evening with you when we get back!!! Kolina- thanks for staying tuned!! Thinking if you lots, can't wait to see you and that gorgeous girl of yours when I'm home- I hope all is well!!
Love you all lots xxxxx