Duomo, WOW
Hands down, some of the most incredible architecture I have seen in my entire life, anywhere. My eyes were overwhelmed first by the COLORS ...white and black (but really those stripes are green!) and red and gold...they hit you all at once. Next, my eyes chaotically jump from column to floor to walls, and all the unimaginable intricacies of design.
This duomo (cathedral) was built starting at the end of the 12th century. Over eight hundred years ago. Did you read that correctly? 8-0-0. How did they possibly have the ingenuity, the knowhow, the artistry...It took a mere 19 years to construct (although work continued on features for many years to come). Now my jaw has dropped completely to the marble inlaid floor. That, oh yes, is covered with 56 designs crafted by 40+ Sienese artists. My mind is blown and I have to sit down to take it all in. I appreciate this craftsmanship, this beauty so much, that people from all over the world come and pay to see...all from 800 years ago.
But before all that, immediately upon entering my head is drawn skyward. In awe. And then I'm shocked to see two parallel rows of statues, faces more or less, lining the lower level and staring at me. Over 150 philosophers and prophets gaze down in silence as I stare right back up at them (they're probably in shock by the masses of people, plethora of technology and languages, and the strange clothing we all have on).
Well I could go on and on...but overall, well worth the trip in and of itself.
Other Highlights:
•round two of delicious pastries and cappuccino for under 4€! Nannino was a legit Italian coffee bar and I ate/drank the Italiano way...standing.
•piazza il campo, shaped like a shell/fan and dips in the middle. Great spot to sit on the brick pavers, relax, people watch and try to imagine what il Palio is like. Google it!
•the OPA Pass- for only 12€, it included access to the duomo (mentioned above), the crypt, baptistery, Piccolomini's library, a museum and my favorite photo spot of the day, the Facciatone panorama...all in one area!
•a four flavor, 2 lbs (OK, so I don't know this for sure but I was picturing a dumbbell as I savored, and swear it felt just like it!), 6€, tri-layer cone of gelato bliss. BLISS I tell you! It took me 20 minutes to eat it and thank god I saved it for lunch...I'm still full and not even an ounce ashamed!
Worst fear realized (and I was doing so good Alyssa...):
I'm on the train to depart Siena...I even get to the station 20 minutes early...I'm turning over the days events in my mind, so satisfied, so happy...I get on board the train, not so crowded, I think to myself...I get my own section, a window seat and lots of leg room...I start writing this is good...until I hear, "Buongiorno señora, biglietto?"
My heart quickens and my cheeks flush, but my stomach is too full of gelato (thank goodness!) to flip. I forgot to validate my ticket.
The ONE thing I was told over and over and over again to do. I'd gotten close to forgetting before and I remember Alyssa saying it was a 70$ fine. Hmm, well that's too bad 'cause all I have is change on me. And, oh the pain, to lose over a days worth of moneyyy. And for a ticket I've already paid for!
Is that five or fifty? It couldn't possibly be five if Alyssa paid seventy. Oh man, either way I don't think I have enough to pay. I'm going to go with five...he's busy writing my ticket (oh the shame!) and I've got nothing to do with this wallet in front of me but count change that is certainly not going to add up to fifty euro.
Here we go...
2€ coin...2€ coin...50 cents...20 cents...20 cents...10's a Siena miracle!!! Five euro in change! Literally, the exact amount of all the money I have on me! Phew, I take a breather after I double take the "5,00€" he pens.
I'm not sure if its because he checked it right after leaving the station, because I nervously tried to show him my incoming ticket to prove I'm not a TrenItalia mooch (gone is the idea of trying to ride for free...ever!) or because he somehow knew what I didn't know, the exact amount of money in my pocket. Either way, I missed a money bullet today and it feels good.
(PS Shelly, I wasn't quick enough on my feet to distract him with help me, I'm lost! Extra kudos to you, my friend).
(PPS Don't yell at me responsible family members! Yes, I spent my last money on gelato. And no, I do not regret it because everything worked out. Yay! But in the future, yeah yeah yeah...I do keep my CC on me ICE, so don't let my insatiable appetite for gelato scare you too much).
My belly is still full and my wallet is a bit lighter, and life is good again.
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