March 18th, 2007
Today we got up and walked around, and got to see Buckingham Palace and St. James Park. On our walk we passed by Trafalgar Square, and realized that they were having a St Pattys Day festival and parade. We went in, and there was live music with Irish dancers and everything. The fountain was even spewing out green water!! We decided to have a Guinness, and feel like true Irishmen for a little bit. We even ran into these guys dressed as leprachauns and got a picture with them. They were awesome.
After that we went to Camden Town, where there was this HUGE market. There were a bunch of like really gothic and electronica stores where they would sells huge amounts of clothing and such for extremely cheap. There were bags, sunglasses, shoes, clothes, vintage items, etc. It was really cool to see. The only thing that stunk was that the weather was sooo cold and rainy. had told us that the temp was going to be like 65-70 everywhere we were going, and it turned out it was COMPLETELY wrong. We had packed all these cute clothes, and disregarded bringing our coats. MAN did we pay for it. We were miserably cold, and it didnt help that it rained on us.
ANYWAYS, we left Camden Town and had lunch back at trafalgar square at a place called Garfunkels. It was really great. After that we were so exhausted we decided to take an hour nap and then we would get up to go out. WELL, what was supposed to be an hour nap turned into like 3 and we woke up at 10pm. Since the pubs closed at 11, we just stayed in. \
Oh yea, and it was Mothers day in London.
And one more thing... we didnt have hot water in our hotel. THAT was fun.
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