We made it to Copacabana in Bolivia after travelling for 10 hours in a moving ice box, which is a more fitting name for the bus we took! It was absolutely freezing for the entire journey, so cold in fact, that the condensation in the bus froze onto the inside of the windows! As you can probably guess the heating wasn´t working, but to make matters worse, when I asked if they could turn on the heating, they decided to turn on the A/C instead! Ooo, it´s all fun and games. We then got dropped off in the middle of nowhere and told to get on a little minibus that would take us to the border, we were then handed some money from the conductor on the ice-box bus to see us through to Copacabana. The other foreigners didn´t speak a word of Spanish and Tom and I were required for translating everything! Another interesting point about crossing the border was when we got off the minibus and told to just walk over the chains that ran across the road. Needless to say, it was the most interesting border crossing to date! Mums and dads, we´re safe in Bolivia and enjoying a lovely hostel with hot water (yeyeyey) and a TV - ooo what luxuries!
17 days on this continent, 75.5hrs on public transport, the most part of which has been spent on a bus. Furthermore, I´ve now learnt the quickest way to suffer frostbite on your balls, this is how to do it: get on a bus between Cuzco and Copacabana and don´t wear sufficient clothing. We wondered why the locals were dressed up as inuits - they obviously knew something we didn´t. Anyway Bolivia so far is lovely, and Lago Titicaca is quite a feast for the eyes. Looking forward to getting out to the Isla del Sol tomorrow. Anyway, Nil´s not allowing me to write want I want to say about the state of British politics - so I´ll dumb it down: sort it out people!!! Bye.
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