Hey Guys! (firslty appologies for any spelling mistakes, cant be bothered to check, plus these keys are really sticky lol)
So I should have really blogged earlier since so much has gone on but I havent really had the opertunity to yet!
Helsinki was great fun, randomly meet a American, a German and an Austrian in a Karaoke bar on my first night and spent till 4am with them! Very tiredly wondered around the city the next day and met up with them again later in the day for some bowling lol.
At 6am I got up to get the train to Russia! 7 hours on the train and a scary imigration officer later I was in St. Petersburg. I settled in and at 6pm met the people on my tour to China.
Everyone is really nice and so far we have been to St. Petersburg and now here in Moscow. Seems some beautiful things. Went to the Hermitage in St. P, the Red square, the Kermlin etc etc and a very cool armed forces museum thanks to Steves recommendation.
Off on the Trans- Siberian Express tomorrow for 4 days solid so no internet, showers, phone etc. Looking forward to chilling my feet are killing me! never walked so much in my life, love it.
Any way must go people waiting for computer. Having a great time so dont worry about me (parents!) and will update you after I pass though 5 different time zones to get to my next destination.
BYE xxxxxxx
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