Mr & Mrs Mitchell here! Well we couldn´t not , not have blog entry for Easter Island could we..... So here it is. Easter Island WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!! Its nothing like we could of ever imagined its so much more wonderful than that. The Island is so beautiful, rolling hills and palm trees with small secluded beaches and the bluest water crashing against the volcanic formed coast line. And of course the Moai statues that are just unbelieveable, they are so much larger than you imagine them to be and there are lots more around the Island than you think about 280 to be exact. We we arrived 4 days ago and racked up at the airport with no where to stay, so Rick went of to get our luggage and I looked around at the locals offering there residencials and I stumbled across a little jem, her name is Ana. So with bags and flowers round my neck me and Rick set of for our home for the next four days. What a home it was (we just vacated it!) it had the best view of the ocean.Ana and her family were so welcoming they made us feel at home staright away. Our first day saw us hire a 4x4 to explore the island, its only 26k in long but you can´t walk it our bike it it would kill you! So we set off in search of Moai, it wasn´t long before we got lost... I know how can you get lost on such a small Island! Well there is so many tracks going of here and there its possible! Any way eventually we got on to the right path and hit our 1st Moai statue which was a line of about 8 toppled statues on the coast. After that they just kept coming and coming. Out of all the ones we have seen both me and Rick are in agreement that our favorites are the platform with 15 standing in a row and the quarry were there are 100s of statues all around you, but to be honest they are all impressive. We have ventured round the island some more on foot and found ourselves caving which was quite amusing as we soon realised we´d forgot to put new batteries in our torches, but we made it out just fine and had loads of fun exploring the artifacts underground to. This island is just amazing we have been here 4 days and feels like we have been here a life time we are so tempted to change ur flights and hang around for a little longer, if we wouldn´t lose our deposit on our CV in NZ then we would but hey what can you do. Ana and Teto are just fantastic, Teto has taken Rick out fishing then we cooked and ate what the guys caught off a huge bbq and drank wine and beer. I helped Ana a little and got paid in food and beer so as far as I´m concerned thats the best paid job of them all! We will be sad to say good by to the island and the people and our surfer freind Max who is cool she pratically lives here, she fell in love with island and doesn´t want to leave so she has been here 5 weeks so far surfing the waves! Anyway we will say good by for now, we should be in NZ in 2 days. Take Care
Kim & Rick xxx
PS Pics to follow soon
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