Hi Isla are you having a wonderful time ? what did father christmas give you ?I love looking at your family photos and reading your news every day, I am so jealous of all the beautiful places you are seeing.
I am missing you all so much
Hugs and xxxxxx to everybody.
Chloe Moffat
hiya rosie
looks like your having alot of fun. in the register i am now next to hamish and alextomorrow we are going on our winter walktoday was our first day back at school we hardly did any work.
missing you loads
hi rosie
alfie made me cry today but then we made up.
Sarah And Vic
Hi there,
Looks as though you're having a fabulous time. I'm very jealous of the beach scenes, we've currently got a little bit of snow in Guildford. Take care and enjoy.
Sharon, Sean, Danny & Gabriella
Wow - am completely jealous - now Gabriella wants to go to Australia....could she meet you somewhere in Oz!!! I love that I can keep in touch with you and watch you enjoying your adventures...love reading all the emails as well. Everyone seems to feel the same as me; green with envy but the Millers are the ones to do it in style and deserve a good break away from it all! Can't wait for more news. The camper van looks fab, home from home and rather cosy.
Wishing you all the best start to 2008...oh you already have!
Love Shazza xxx
PS. Hi Maureen, Hi Kieran, Hi Adrienne happy new year to you guys xxxx
Harry And Tilly
Happy New Year to you all! Looks like you are having a brilliant time. Snow due here tomorrow-hope Richard will let us out to play in it!! Boo Hoo School!! Tilly sends her love to Isla.
thanks for the great magnetic games and for coming to my party, hope you had a great christmas and a happy new year, the photos show the same old rosie and looks like you are having fun (the food looked gross) like hannah said we have school tommorw but i am looking foward to seeing my friends but i will be missing you,sent ginny an email,(her email is on the website) i am shure the class will look foward to hearing from you , cant wait to see waht else you get up to
lucy x x x x x x x x x x
Lucy Clarke
hiya rosie
thanks for the great magnetic games and for coming to my party, hope you had a great christmas and a happy new year, the photos show the same old rosie and looks like you are having fun (the food looked gross) like hannah said we have school tommorw but i am looking foward to seeing my friends but i will be missing you,sent ginny an email,(her email is on the website) i am shure the class will look foward to hearing from you , cant wait to see waht else you get up to
lucy x x x x x x x x x x
Hi Rosie & co
Happy New Year
Looks like your all having a wonderful time.I've had a good holiday but we've got school tomorrow,you don't you lucky thing!
Hope you're having a great time anyhow.We all say hi.