hello guys just been looking at your photos it looks amazing in chiang mai god i am soooooo jelouse!!!! the weather here is crap its dead cold, going away on friday we are not camping now were going in a caravan in presthaven sands for a couple of days. hahah i dont like slummin it im a lightweight. was worried bout bein in a tent cos of all the rain wales is flooded at the moment so i was scared incase i got washed away hahah. by the way what the hell is aaron drinking out of that bag it looks like pooh yakka haha. who the bloke with the afro is he one of your travelling friend that you have met. it looks really nice were you are and really warm too you have both got a nice tan too. i nearly set the kitchen on fire last night i was steaming veg and forgot to put water in the bottom of it dohhh!!we are all fine here andy same as usual moaning bout work. nothing else has really happened.
anyway im getting off now so ill let you know how the caravanning goes ill take some pictures and send you them off me moby. take care you too have a great time make the most of it a year goes by soo quick and you will only get the chance once. oh no actually you can take me next year hahaha!!!!! any way take care keep safe dont wonder off away from each other. miss you lots & lots lots of love JENNIE & ANDY XXXXXXXXXX
PS: why have you got a plate full of cockroaches!!!!!! i hope that is for show and your not eating them you pair of dirty b*****s!!!!!! hahahaha speak to u soon xxxxx oh yeah dont forget my postcard otherwise youll never hear the end of it and i mean that haha XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
hi just read your report how i would to have seen Aaron skiing on his bum i think i wud hav collapsed with laughter sorry i did it was so funny. not much to report im doing my induction with asda till training next week then i start i am officialy employed with asda i now hav 2 jobs. i also have an eye infection lucky me.Tays bein a b**** shes just managed to flood my bathroom ive got water pooring out of my light fittings down stairs she was being a mermaid a nisiance more like it. i need to no wot to do about the car i have emailed you i need an answer before monday please. The girls are fine jords got her prom on friday beths still a b**** matts footie training has started up again and steves fine aswell matt wants to no why you were eating maggots and bugs Aaron and wot the hell were you drinking.Right im goin to put da brats to bed we cant all have the luxury of a long holiday take care of yourselves and ill speak to you soon
I know who the 'fro belongs to now! Raamy from Israel!! xx
Hi you two!
Firstly can i say that the thought of Aaron bum skiing down a muddy hill had me crying with laughter then seeing that he grabbed some blokes rucksack on the way down made it even funnier! Hilarious! Cheers jones - you've cheered me right up!
Secondly...who's the dude with the 'fro cos i LOVE HIM! His hair is amazing. Looks so glossy and healthy! Ha!!
Piles I'm so proud of you doing that treck, we've never been able to get round the trafford centre without stopping about 6 times! Big shiney gold star for you love!
Keep the blogs coming cos i'm loving them loads!!
Miss you lots
Kirst' xXx
Rich & Claire
Hello kids
Just thought we'd drop you a quick mail to update you on Chiang Rai. We thought it would be like Chiang Mai only smaller (it is smaller) but there really isn't a great deal to do. We wanted to go downhill mountain biking but couldn't. Hiring bikes cost 250 baht per person (in CM it was 40 each)! It's an ok stop to break up the journey to the border but apart from more trekking there's not that much to do.
We're staying at the Garden House (which is in the LP) and it's pretty cool - sleeping in a shack rather than a hotel room.
Off to Laos tomorrow. Enjoy Pai
**** Lauren ****
howdie people! jst to let u no its 5 weeks to my hol am so excited i carnt wait to get away from this rain it just isnt good for my skin haha am so bord being of uni an brian has left me now for malia and its 102 there am so jeleous am jst guna hit the gym over the next 2 weeks an be a slim jim lol or i mite jst eat loads of cheese cake an be fat lol more than likey it will be the second one lol speak 2 u soon xxxxxx
Anna (Jones)
Hello you two.
You look like you're having a proper bo time!
Just take the immodium Aaron it'll be better for everyone in the long run!!
by the way, i like the hat, it's very Pete Doherty-esque!
where's next on the itinerary then??
look after eachother
luv Anna
hello you two!
hope your bellies better Aaron only that youve lost weight and having moobs i might begin too think its morning sickness. and hey gran its hard typing with these finger nails! we have had a funny weekend the best hearing about grandad and nanna! Barry took delivery off his new caravan this week(dead posh talk about keepin up with the JONESS) well nanna and grandad went round too have a nosey grandad parked the car and they went too have a look leavin the car in the car park for some reason nana turns round too see it rollin backwards headin for some other cars and grandad shouts nana too stop it! so nana starts runnin after it and tryin too get in front god bless her.well it swerved a bit and hit a carport post,you can imagine what was being said turns out grandad didnt put the handbrake on.( good job it was him or poor nanas life woulda been a misery) grandads still askin what happened too his ribena he was holding. but the story is that they went too watch there grandson playing football and when they got back some naughty man had hit the car and drove off! were not havin much look with cars lately are we? we went yesterday too the tram musuem for the 50s weekend was a bit off a washout as it was raining again but we had a good time funny men in blue suede shoes the kids couldnt quite get there heads around but Barry and your Dad found a cadillac they wanted too buy but too make matters worse it had BAS on the number plate. pity we cant put our pictures on here too show you hope your trekking is fun cant wait too see pics off waterfalls! but why have your budd asses got no heads? luv and miss you mum an dad x
ps still no signs off everton buying anyone soz.
Sarah & Barry
Hey Guys!
Hope you're both okay . Web site looks great & it sounds like you're havin brill time! Very sorry to hear that Aaron's stomach issues may be holding you back - thats just men for you Jack!
We all had the best time on holiday but it went over so fast it feels like we've never been away now. We picked the caravan up this week and spent Fri and Sat camping out in it like gypsies with all the kids (and some of the neighbours' kids too - we must be mad)
Just got back from Tapas Tapas with kids to celebrate BJ getting new job - at last!!
Barry says to tell you that Nial has left a present for you in work which he'll pass to your ma to post out - hope its nothing dodgy!
Take care both of you and have a brilliant time xxxxxx
Hey Cragg and Frank
Thanks for your message, a night out with the boys eh! I'm missing my girly nights out a little, Aaron really doesn't suit dressing like a girl to pretend, although he did offer! Its so ocool over here, not the weather mind! Its scorchio and we had a tiny tiny amount of rain today, there was big black clouds, one crack of thunder and everyone was getting a bit excited at the thought of rain, but it was a poor excuse for rain! Hopefully it will cool down for the trek tomorrow, hiking in this heat will kill me! and theres no running water in the village we stay in so no baths for us! wet wipes here we come!
Anyway good to hear you two are ok, speak soon!
Jackie x
Hey (AARONS) Gran
Just to let you know the berkies are really comfy, all moulded to your feet so they massage you while you walk! Bliss, Shoes like that are a big luxary for travellers over here so I've had a few comments about them!
Hey Jenny, God don't go driving with Andy again, if you want wait til I come home and I'll take you out for a spin! And Aaron cant really talk can he about Andy taking out a cyclist, he nearly took out a young family! You got your fingers crossed for your results? We have over here, and I havent sent your postcard yet, we are sending a couple in the next few days so hold your horses for a week or so and you;ll have one! I'm not feeling the greatest today, think its the malaria tablets, but we go on our trekk tomorrow so I hope I feel ok for that, I'll have a pizza tongiht to try and stodge me up a wee bit! Hope Andys feeling better but I have no sympathy for him really! Had one of the hugs last night, was great tell him thanks!