hope you had a safe journey an arrived in Bali safe still cant see it on our map!! Lauren went too Jacks mums an got the contact lenses her dad said you had the fluid do you want me too send them if so where too!! bit off good news the crank in work has gone off with sress!! bad news the man down the road PAul with the Alsation you know the bus driver whose sons a bus driver too well there was an abulance in the road on me way home from work, aunty ann told me had died last night, god i sound like Nanna.
speak too you soon xx
The Kirkby Klan
can i just ask why has it all gone so quite on here can we have some messages please
well aaron and jax,s today,s the day we go for the rabbit (what am i letting me self in for) the cage is all done weve got the hay and food and all it,s stuff we just need to go and get it now so how about helping us name them i think we might be getting two(damn) so any idea,s put them on a postcard (or a message)
tash said you will have to buy a cam and phone because you keep ignoring her when she,s talking to you she cant get that she can see you but not hear you it,s quite funny. or why can she see us and we cant see them oh well not much to say but the weather seem,s good for the time of year hope your sober!!!!! will update you on the rabbit asap. so here goe,s for me sum,s
5+1 i know this one (tash wisper it in me ear quick) 6 da you dope. ta love keep smiling kid,s
I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TOO GET IN TOUCH LIKE A BLOODY G******* you need too get in touch as the bank has sent another fraud letter they want you too phone a certain number or they might stop the account and knowing your look it'll happen on a sunday while your stuck on an island somewhere!!!
Bloody hell were did the MRS (DAGSY) come from? he must be missing you!!!
speak too you soon possibly before you get home!!
love MOTHER xxx
p.s try msn 2moro x
Miles And Jones
Hey guys, thanks for the messages thought it was the perfect photo oppertunity when Aaron decided to put all the snorkel clobber on on the boat! he did make me laugh, we just stoleacouple of days on the pherithiam islands in Malasyia and decided to do somemore snorkelling, getting a bit addicted toit, even me who dosen't like the water too much. Thinking about doing our scuba lessons in Bali next week, its so colourful down there, all the fish are amazing! We did burn badly though and spent today in the shade! Just jumping on an over night bus to Kula Lumpa for a couple of nights! Moving swiftly down to Singapore for the 15th, our flight to Bali!
Hello to the long lost Dags and Vic, good to hear from you both, glad to hear your both well and had a lovely holiday! Speak to you soon!
So heres for another 12 hour night bus, cant WAIT! x
I can't believe we have lost a star on our ratings, god i feel like dagsy when he was at McDonalds. Only joking fella good to her from you, you need to get on facebook by the way, getting to the airport early on saturday to watch the blus and get my first glimps of Yakubu. Can't wait. Just come back from the Perenthians were i got stupidly sunburnt.
Oh yeah mum were the bloody hell have you been trying to ring you loads and can't get hold of you.
Speak soon loads of love Aaron
Hey, guys
Glad to know ya havin a fab time, Pics are well amazing! scenes are fab, love the sunsets ya been takin an well tickled by the monk in the raybans Nice set of tans ya gettin to, Kids are doing well, even trev, its cool as ya dont see him Lol. supposed to be startin uni not sure on what year as they keep muckin me about.
This message is short, chloe writes the longer ones (better on computers than me)
take care guy's
Rogers gang xxxx
Dags An Vic
hi u 2,
Hope ur having the most amazing time ever, iam soo soo sorry i havnt been in touch earlier but you no what iam like with computers and how lazy iam!! Where both great, missing use like mad although it probably seems like you havent seen us for over a year anyway. Feels like use have been away for ages, been looking through your photos and messages looks amazing wish we were there with you both.
We've just come back from turkey with vic's family an me dad an jane, only went for a week but had an amazing time, didnt want to come home.
Hope you have been keeping upto date with the footy, been the most excited i have been about everton since i can remember, with Yakubu, Tommy an Jags!! The only thing missing is you sitting next to me cheering the mighty blues on and having our debates. Hasnt been a bad start to the season, just dropped some silly points against teams we should of beat! United up next so hopefully we can get good result against them, and carry on after a great win against Bolton last week. THINGS ARE LOOKING GOOD!! Throwing a sicky tomorrow so i can go and pick up my ticket for the UEFA cup game against Metalist Kharkiv at home, hopefully we can have a good run in the UEFA. Gonna ask craig does he fancy a couple off UEFA games this year if we have a good run, just wish you could come too!
Give eachother a big kiss from both of us and stay safe and keep on having the most amazing time ever. Look forward to hearing back from you soon. All our love Dags an Vic!! x x x x
P.S now we no how to use this we have no excuses, we'll write back very soon. Love you both x x x x
Hiya jackie and addy,
Me and mum have just gone through your messages, as the computer has been knackered
thank you for my birthday greeting had a fab time with a bouncy castle with my B.F.F's
(Best-friends-forever) For my birthday i got a zip-scooter from, mum and dad an a d.v.d from petey i
got a pink hairdryer and d.v.d , then got loads of books of nanny, Grandad, james and elieen
and got loads more stuff, my cousins come down too with their dog china. petey was good on my birthday cause i let him bring a friend bye for now chloe an annabell (my baby doll) oh an petey xx
John Crozier
Liked the pictures of phi phi especially the monkeys did they have any smoking one's?
Hi u2, What fantastic photos this time. the sunsets where unbeliveable makes you want to get the next plane out. Scuba steve, the foot wear would go much better with the suit than the flip flops. Thunder thighs next to you makes you look like slim jim. Loose Women by the way are back after there summer break, and have won best day time program award. Glad you enjoyed your breakfast of chocolate yuk chocolate for breakfast how discusting. lots of love to you both, speak to you soon Gran(ie pie)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aaron, jackie could you please log onto to e-bay and look in items for sale buy it now
men,s and ladies clothing there are two suit,s for sale starting price £0.99 this is only a 3 day auction if i knew how to use a computer i would put a link on (sorry) they do look like quality though made in some back street tailors shop in bangkok no doubt....?items state have been worn (outside the merton) hope you having a lovely time the picture,s are great scubbie steve rock,s i wonder if the suit,s would look good with a snorkel and flip flop,s......? who is this.....?let me think........bye for kid,s
just came in at our Les's seen photo's we are all pig sick they are fantastic!!! the picture off scuba Steve is funny that girl makes our Aaron possitively anorexic! and your priorities? Aaron has choclate Jackie has handwash and sealy bags.