nice too hear from you wont bother rambling again ok!!!
Hi u2,Enjoyed all the pics and the blogs of what you have been up to, thought for a while you had gone awol, as most of the blogers on this site have. Glad to hear you are both still having a good time. My heart felt sympaths to you Jackie having to put up with an air brain like Aaron Who goes up a mountain without a sweater? or looses his cash card and leaves his ipod behind. I think we must have left his brain behind when he was born. Had some terrible weather here of late. First we had an earth quake at 1.oclock in the morning. my bed shook and the wardrobe shook and the doors on the wardrobe rattled, very frightening, Then we have had gales , winds of 80mph no thunder storms though. As your mum said looking forward to going to London, don.t think my bank card is though as Lauren has mentioned about a birthday present when where there. Am about to go and do some shopping my self so by for now, take care and lots of love hugs and kisses. before we know it you will home again,. Granxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mum i think i get it from you, that was the biggest rambling of crap i have ever read. Well weáre in Bolivia now and i have a big class of little s***s to look after tomorrow, but thats another story.
san pedro
that explains another set off cards! but you printed story twice hope you didnt report it twice or ill be overrun with the bleeders!! everyone heres ok, grandad had his op on monday hes much better than last time so fingers crossed,Laurens hyper its that time off year again ive got 12 months 2 save 4 Elvis Brettini she wants him 2 play at her 21st!!your dad has a lot 2 answer 4 ive got 2 strange kids!! we go 2 london next week lauren was showing me pics off her friend with a beefeater an you wont believe she asked do they eat beef!!! maybe there argentinian.have they got any taverns over there?im thinking Aarons brains gettin alzheimers or taking after me i cried last week i lost train tickets i knew i put them away safe i swear! they turned up in the recycling bin in the garden on sunday night they pick it up monday lucky or what?
miss you xx
Hey guys!! hope your ok x we miss you loads!! looks like you still having an amzing time! We are in queenstown, tiggy did the bungy today!! the big one!!! the luge is here.. btu we have decided against!!!! look forward to ctaching up with you soon x x lots of love x x x
Hey Aaron
well what can i say my card came this morning its so original i was painting upstairs an Lauren ran up screaming wondered what was up! it is rather cool only thing you didnt say were it is! still in shock you remembered as i thought there dates over there would be different.well thank you im chuffed with it ecxept im not your MA im your MUM how many times do i tell you!!!
Hey Les...yes we are well aware of mothersday, nice of you to remind us on the day as aposed to a week ago! the cards have been sent and should make both mothers proud!
The Kirkby Klan
well folks the floor in the kitchen is all finished and looks rather nice tiles are all down ( i didnt do it ) so its finished you know me half a job bob going to take all the extra crap back to b n q and ikea in a bit so the house might look like one before you get back looked like a building site of late hence no blogs aaron have you remembered wot day it is here something to do with mothers and u jackie just thought i,d mention it in case you got lost in time lol well of to see ya photos see you soon kids the klan
Hi guys how the hell r ya hope ur well the photos is fab 1 min freezin an the nxt roast arooney.went to c westlife last nite i no ur jealous but im a big fan now went with kym pat an there aunty it was dead good in the new echo arena just past albert dock when we came out it was gale force 290000000000 million not good with no coat doh.Ya s seem like u bin away 4 ever .TAKE CARE LOVE AN HUGS GEZZA
The Kirkby Clan
hi aaron and jacky where are you are you haveing fun see you later on msn if you online about 6.00pm ok aaron liverpool are better than everton aaron when you comeing back for the waterballone fenarey i am geting you pined down like you did and you got me in the face wiv one haha bye
Buenas dias guys
Looks like you're having a great time over there in S Am - definitely jealous we're not heading there. Guess we'll just have to take another year off
We're only just getting ready to leave Sydney next month and get in the camper up the east coast - bet that seems like ages ago for you guys!!
Anyways, take care of yourselves and have a cerveza or 2 for me.
As a thank you to Carol for all her efforts we have completely updated the site and have pictures on there as well! Hope you all enjoy!