Hey uncle mike & juicy! cawwww the pictures are gorgeous! you look so brown!
i wish i was with you lol! talk to you soon....
love you lots,
Ceri, Bim, Tori
alright b.i.l.and the lovely lucy. I almost mistook you guys for a couple of abos in the photo albums, and I do believe that you mikey have met your match with the cheeky bird. Some very artistic shots and some beautiful scenary are making me very envious and feeling very irish and pastey. Glad you guys are embracing the "holiday of a lifetime" and making the most of every opportunity. Quick update - england beat italy 31 points to 16 but we played completley and utterly pants.
I look forward to seeing shots of new zealand and my future home (give or take 4-5 years). Anyway i will let my lovely wife say a few emphatic words, love you long time gorgeous pair!!! take care and pay us poor wrethced souls a thought or two in paradise.
Hi guys - website looks fab, what a holiday of a life time - looks like you are having some wonderful experiences- we'll keep logging on to keep up to date with your movements! Dad tells me you are off to NZ on valentines day, have a safe trip. Dad is off to Plymouth in the morning and Tori and I are in London for the day on Wednesday to celebrate Matt Fretwell's birthday with Debbie, off to see the Lion King! Remember when we went Menace? You were too tall to sit in the seat and sat on the stairs, you argued with the steward when they asked you to move but I think you won the argument!
Back to London for Friday & Saturday - staying at the Montague and into town to see Billy Elliott on the Friday night. Lunching with David & Monica on Saturday. Busy lives as always.
Tori and I are off to tennis tomorrow, she is training for a county tournament being held over Easter, as long as she doesn't break anything skiing in France at the beginning of April. Ceri has just told me this is going on a message board and it's not an email so I'll b***** off now!!! Love you. Binna XXXX
Just in from a 12 hour, 140 slide presentation to the big bosses, nice to see your pics, every time I'm asked a question I will think of those sunsets, take a deep breath then 'retaliate'. Take your time enjoy the sunshine; theres a foot of snow on my balcony at the moment, a snowgirl I built to keep an eye on things and she tells me she don't like the sun but that doesn't mean you shouldn't eh.. Take care watch out for crocs..
It all sounds very nice, but did you realize The Tractor Boys took three points off the Budgies with a "Hand of God" goal and England spanked the Taffs! Oh, and The Steelers won the super bowl.
Hi Guys,
Jesus your packing alot in. Sounds like your having a great time. Just had a rather boozy saturday in London. The word is Jaded to say the least. You were missed! Woodbridge is a lesser place without you! Keep drinking through the pain of it all and we look forward to your further emails. LOL Boxxxx
Jon T
Hey dudes, great pics! Glad you're enjoying yo'selves. Wish I was there...know you're probably glad I'm not though! Just got back from a week skiing in Colorado - top snow - two big dumps and some serious powder...I'll send you some pics when I get 'em sorted. Take care and talk soon, J
woodbridge is cold the RAF camp is colder the sun's gone south for the winter but thats boring Great Pic's keep them coming they melt the ice off the screen
Graham (Grumps)
Hi guys bad news I'm afraid. I've caught Bird Flu just before I go to Costa Rica!!!!! I know this is true cause I've started talking jibberish, wearing make up and I cannot park the car !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like your having the world's greatest adventure. Take care of each other anf bring me back a kangaroo for the Pod!!!!! xxx
looks like you're havin a wicked time guys, stay happy. thought i ought to tell you we're havin a freak heat wave and it's 40 degrees in the shade... (F that is, not C) which is pretty much everywhere cos i've forgotten what the sun looks like! i reckon you two have stolen it all. keep havin fun peeps, see you soon! x
great pic!! glad your enjoying yourselves. look forward to seeing more pics, look after each other. speak soon
Nice touch guys and a damn good idea you really know how to p??s people OFF but hey ho just enjoy your selves and come back safe and sound luv from all at THE KINGS HEAD xxx
Matthew Collins
Hasn't Mike got lovely legs!!!!!! I hope that you all realise that these pictures are fake and that it is all just a 'sham', Mike and Lucy have actually moved to Bournemouth to run a bed & breakfast! (Not bitter or jealous I assure you!!)