We're back in the UK!!!!!!!!! And it's cold and raining. Of course it is.
The final 12-hour flight home was happily uneventful and dull, meaning that Isabella was a good girl yet again. The most exciting part about it was trying the actually-rather-nice Korean monkfish meal they served up. Not bad at all, can recommend it.
Jet lag has not proved to be too bad, although the main problem is that Isabella is still on Australian time. Thus at 3am yesterday, she was contentedly chatting away loudly until we were roused enough to get her up and playing with her toys. Today, slightly better, she was up at 4:30am. This has meant that Mike has wandered into work at 6am and 7:15am in the last two days, which is a ridiculous time to be in an office.
So, the final throes of our adventures are over, and it's just time to thank, in no particular order, the following -
- Everyone who contributed towards the trip. We had such a great time, very much appreciated.
- Everyone we met in Australia who contributed towards ensuring we had a good time, both known friends and unknown service people and random members of the public.
- The Korean masses for being so polite, friendly and (regarding Isabella) quite quite mad. And for having the best toilets. Super stuff, well done.
- Special mention to the Hayes family in Adelaide. You are all special people after all. Very special. Very special indeed. We cannot emphasise just how special you all are. Anyway, thanks very much. Bonza time and all that.
- Everyone who has read this blog. Unless you thought it was crap. In which case, chuff off and fall in a hole somewhere.
But most of all, we'd like to thank Lorna, Mike and Isabella. You guys are just the best ever, and it couldn't have happened at all without you. If you weren't there, this blog would be an empty shell with no words, no pictures and barely any mention at all of technologically advanced toilets.
So, that's it. This blog is dying. It's dying, it is ceasing to exist, this blog is very nearly no more. It is nearly an ex-blog. Oh sure the photos will still be here, the scribblings will still be here. But it'll be in a preserved pickled-in-a-jar state with no signs of life. The life-support machine will be switched off. The sun is setting for the final time, darkness descends, even the death-related cliches are running out, and this blog is dying, dying, dying.
It's dead. Goodbye.
(The authors reserve the right to add something more to this blog at some point, if they feel so inclined. Terms and conditions apply. Likely to contain traces of nuts)
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