Right then - an update. Apologies for the lack of communication from our end. Internet access has either been desperately shoddy or desperately crap, and we've been spending a fair amount of time checking out cheapest hotels, flights and car hire etc. And most internet cafe memory card readers dont work either, so having a problem uploading photos. We'll try to get some online in due course...
Despite the location attached to this blog, we are far from Sydney. Currently in the hot and dry surroundings of Alice Springs, right in the middle of the Outback. Uluru and Ayres Rock to be visited in the next few days. However, as a bit of a catch up, a summary of what we did earlier on in the trip.
Highlight of Sydney was certainly the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb. An epic adventure ascending up the walking trail amongst the girders of Sydney's iconic Harbour Bridge, right to the top where stunning views of the harbour and city skyline awaited. Very expensive to do, but since it's a once in a lifetime trip, we thought we'd do once in a lifetime things. And our random Colombian who was booked in to look after Isabella whilst we were doing that was also lovely - was a bit unnerving leaving our hotel room with our daughter in the care of an unknown nanny, but she was excellent.
Also meandered along to the Sydney Acquarium, where Isabella (who has been so good so far this holiday, we're very proud of her!) was in her element. Absolutely fascinated by the tropical fish, she was staring at each tank for minutes on end, her gaze just following the fish as they swam across her view. She also enjoyed the zoo, although I think mummy and daddy enjoyed that more than she did. A really good zoo, which requires a boat trip and skyride in a cable car to get there - all good fun.
Then it was a flight up to the Gold Coast and Surfers Paradise, where the weather is year-round excellent sunshine and warm temperatures guaranteed.
Whilst there, our whale-watching trip was cancelled due to torrential rain and thunderstorms, and we froze our nuts off outside a nearby hotel waiting for a cab to take us back to our hotel apartment.
However, the sun did brighten up later on, so we had a quick paddle in the sea. Izzy was happy enough with having her feet dangled in the water, and then later bravely took a dip in the hotel swimming pool. She looks ever so cute in her swimming costume which is basically a tiny pink wetsuit.
Heidi, an old teaching friend of Lorna's who now lives in the area, came over later that evening for a few glasses of wine and the sharing of gossip about teaching colleagues. We obviously cannot reveal what was said in these discussions, for reasons of patient confidentiality...
But it was good to see another friendly face, and have a relaxing night, as to follow was an epic road trip (1200km in total done at high speeds in the dark and dodging the 'roos at the roadside), and a day trip out to the Great Barrier Reef on a Robinson Crusoe-style tropical paradise island.
This was really brilliant stuff, such a cracking time, but the detail will have to wait - the money in the meter is running out, and I'm b*****ed if I'm sticking in another $5 right now. Stay tuned, all will be revealed next time...
Fact of the day - sea cucumbers have a living-being inside them called a pearl fish. It enters the sea cucumber... through it's arse. Colonic irrigation anyone? It's only a matter of time before that fad hits Hollywood...
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