Hope you are both well. All fine here. I have just been reading the messages from the children and your reply - how lovely. The fund raising went well. I hope you thought of us counting all the money in the office - good job its for a good cause. We now have pictures from your album going on the screen in the entrance hall so we have you smiling at us all day - just like old times. Spoke to Hilary when she came in - said they were all missing you loads - still not long now before your return. Take care and enjoy the rest of your time there
love chris x
Hi Both
Congratulations on acheiving the first part of the yo-yo challange - you may now proceed to level two.
Level 2: Working the yo-yo with one foot whilst lying on your back and eating an orange (or drinking a G&T if you want to raise the difficulty score) N.B. No other person should be involved (at this stage).
Level 2 may have to be preceeded by retrieving the yo-yo - this may prove more hazardous than Level 2.
Missing you both
Hi Both
Congratulations on acheiving the first part of the yo-yo challange - you may now proceed to level two.
Level 2: Working the yo-yo with one foot whilst lying on your back and eating an orange (or drinking a G&T if you want to raise the difficulty score) N.B. No other person should be involved (at this stage).
Level 2 may have to be preceeded by retrieving the yo-yo - this may prove more hazardous than Level 2.
Missing you both
Hi Both
Congratulations on acheiving the first part of the yo-yo challange - you may now proceed to level two.
Level 2: Working the yo-yo with one foot whilst lying on your back and eating an orange (or drinking a G&T if you want to raise the difficulty score) N.B. No other person should be involved (at this stage).
Level 2 may have to be preceeded by retrieving the yo-yo - this may prove more hazardous than Level 2.
Missing you both
Tierney Shave And Kasey Hall
Hello Mr Blant, How is it in Papua New Guinea, I bet it's nice! We all miss you here at Winter Gardens. It was our non-school uniform on the 9th of October. Everyone looked really nice! We're glad we are donating too you! Hope we see you soon. We really miss you! We wish you luck!
From Tierney Shave and Kasey Hall
Kayleigh And Lewis
hi mr B,
Hope you are ok at papa new guinea and having fun there, hope its sunny over there as its frezing here im suprised its not snowing.Hope the school chrildren are ok. We had a fab time at Wat Tyler. we were the most messeyest children
Yours sincerly Lewis rosher and kayleigh Thomsom pupils from 6JB
Natasha Mallick And Charley
Hiya Mr blant and Mrs Blant ,
hows P.N.G i hope the answer is good!!! Wat Tyler was brill! we have had loads of fun so far in year 6. the fund raiseing is going well in our class alone we have raised over £45!!!! Mrs Varrier ( Miss Jones she got married) has organized crazy karaoke for this afternoon can't wait for that.
good luck love from Charley & Natasha xx
Chloe Powell ,shannon Miller
hi Mr Blant hows png, its chloe powell im in year 6 now my teacher is Miss Brooks!!!!! web went to watt tyler for 3 day it was fun good luck by chloe powell
Hi Mr Blant how PNG I hope your having an amasing time I wish you the best of luck have fun, hope to see you soon by Shannon Miller
Chloe Powell ,shannon Miller
hi Mr Blant hows png, its chloe powell im in year 6 now my teacher is Miss Brooks!!!!! web went to watt tyler for 3 day it was fun good luck by chloe powell
Hi Mr Blant how PNG I hope your having an amasing time I wish you the best of luck have fun, hope to see you soon by Shannon Miller
Emily Pink And Connie Riches
hi mr Blant
hope you are having fun over in PUNG it has been so fun in year six we have been to watt tyler it was so much fun. I really enjoyed wat tyler i did not want to leave. Hope you are having fun hope u are doing well with your wife love from connie and emily xx
Mitchel Burman And Ben
Dear Mr blant and Mrs Blant
how is png i have had fun in year six we went to wat tyler early i did not want to leave wat tyler beacuse of the mud slide I like are new techer miss brooks she is very nice she is funny and joyful
your sincerly Mitchel Burman and Ben Stephenson
Lewis Agambar And Fletcher Walkley
Dear Mr Blant,
Its been so fun in year 6 this year,we went to Wat Tyler early and it was so fun that we did not want to leave anyway i hope you have fun at Papuanewguinea and we have raised over £45 just from our class i hope we earn enough for the laptops.