We had arrived in the caldera by the time I woke up. The weather was 24 degrees at 8.00. There was a view of the volcano from my cabin window. After breakfast Barbara, Linda, Rob, Yvonne, Phil and I strolled off the ship and into the small town. We negotiated with a taxi driver and for Aus$ 60 we had a short tour. We drove past the courthouse, up a hill past some Japanese tunnels dug during the Second World War, to a lookout. There was a stunning view of the caldera, with the ship moored by the small town. We then went into the observatory, which monitors seismic activity.
After this, we drove back through the town to the other side and past a hotel to a vast black, flat plain. It was a huge area and the result of the volcanic eruption of 1994. The ash was 10/12 metres deep and covered the airport, an industrial area, some houses and shops. Apparently only one Chinese man died, because he refused to move. Despite this, there were three or four small white crosses dotted about.
After we had got back home, we strolled around the town got a while, before boarding the ship. We should have departed at 16.30, but unfortunately, a lady had to be taken by some of the medical staff to the new airport, an hour away, for a medical evacuation back to Darwin.
It was 60's/70's night again. This time my wig was more even. I watched Maxine Mazumder as Dusty Springfield in Carmens tonight. She was good and played to a full house. During the show we started moving. We now have five sea days ahead of us before we reach Japan. The weather will cool down soon, I guess.
Today is the 53rd day of the cruise, not including the Invisible Day. This means we've now completed half of the cruise and it's just flying by. Earlier in the cruise my excursion in Nagasaki was changed because of the prop shaft problems. When I returned to my cabin for bed, there was a note telling me that the timings had changed again and I could now revert to my original excursion. I won't bother, as I'm only losing out on lunch and a visit to s museum.
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