I was supposed to be going white water rafting today. I'd agreed everything with a company, when I realised that I'd booked it for a day too early. I never had a reply to my email informing them of my mistake. Nevertheless I waited at the right place at the right time, but they never appeared. I found an Internet cafe and there among my emails was a reply agreeing to the date change and also changing the time to 10 am. I was reading the mail at 11!!
There not a lot in Huatulco. I'm not really sure why cruise ships stop here. I had a stroll along the beach and then went and explored the local area, which took about two minutes! I was back on board by lunch time. I was going to go back into the town, but I really couldn't be arsed, so I stayed on board.
Sailaway was delayed by about 1/2 hour because of engine problems. Lets hope it's not an omen. Somehow it seems right to be cruising. Much as I love port visits, and there are so many that I'm looking forward to, I do love the gentle motion of the ship when we're underway.
Saw Adrian Walsh in the theatre, he was good, made me laugh. After that it was a Mexican party on the Lido deck and another failure in the Syndicate Quiz. Discovered that klompen dancing is Dutch for clog dancing!
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