Have been following your travels by pics and first discovered the vids today ;o) Looks real nice, all of it, just wish I was doing it to.
When are you due back to England ?
Lots of love Unc. Keith
Stephen Blakey
Fantastic photo's, still getting better and better, (shame about the bald bloke though, who keeps getting in the way)!
Cambodia looked good but Vietnam even better, I'm just going to have to go now.
Looking forward to your next pictures.
Best regards
Caroline And Lee
Great pictures guys........looks like your enjoying South East Asia as much we did...So wheres your next stop cant wait to find out.
We are off to Egypt next week, only a week though just aint long enough now.
Take care love Caroline and Lee xxx
Hi to you both, it looks great, really interesting to say the least! Where are you headed next?
The photos are great it's good to see you both enjoying the relaxed life!
Cheers, and enjoy!
Aziz From Oaks Spice
Dear M a P,
thank you for all those wonderful potos and videos from your travels. I am sure you are enjoing that. When are you planning to come back? So we can talk more. Looking forward to seeing you back here soon, or later. Have fun and take care.
Anna & Theo
Hey guys,
GREAT website - nearly as good as ours!!!!
Was lovely meeting you in Siem Reap - and hope to bump into you again soon....
Take care
Love Anna & Theo. x
Danny & Abby
Hey guys, what a cooincidence we met again. Just thought we'd pop on and write a quick message before our bus leaves to Mue Ne. Two thumbs up for the web page guys. Think its fantastic.
Cheers, hope to see you again soon in "our small world"
Danny & Abby (From Oz)
Hi Michelle & Phil
The photo's are great keep them coming & to see you holding a baby !!!! is there hope yet ?
I guess it muast be great to be out of the Xmas madness, Jan is working her socks off wrapping presents etc. but you lucky b*****s can just laze around & site see all day what a life (not jealous you understand just envious !!!)
Lots of love & take care
Dad & Jan
Stephen Blakey
The photo's just get better and better, makes me feel as if I was there. You both look sooo well, travel is obviously good for you.
When you back pack like this and blend in with the local culture, it really does put things in perspective. When you return to 'Western Civilisation' you will have a completely different perspective on life, and are likely to be a lot more relaxed and laid back than those of us racing around and complaining about not having enough hours in the day or being able to keep up with the nieghbours. They should make it compulsory, like National Service!
Not having been to Cambodia, your photos have just moved it several notches up my 'to visit list', so I'll be looking for loads of tips when you return!
Take care and have fun.
Yes, it does wake you up to how lucky we are doesn't it? I imagine it would have been quite distressing, especially seeing the poor little kids, but at least they seemed happy with their little lot, unfortunately they don't know any better, probably for the better as they would have been miserable as hell.
Raining a lot now and very steemy at the moment, you would have found it quite hard to put up with I think, but then again it would be much the same in Cambodia.
Cheers, and enjoy your journey.
hello,great to get updates.you look so happy with the beautiful children.love you.xxxxxx
Gilli Willi
I am relaxing at friends in Germany and enjoying your latest exploits. Michelle, I have seen you kissing another woman - what next? Missing you - love and hugs, Gilli x x