Sorry to have missed you !!!! must let you know the few bits i have heard since you left. hope to hear from you soon,
lots of love
Mrs Parsnips-Ellwood
Hi, work is just not the same with you not there. I don't know how much of this s*** I can take. Are there any men over there worth bothering with, if yes then post me a picture might come over for a closer look!!! I'm going to send you know who a valentine card and put your name it hope you don't mind.
Hi, work is just not the same with you not there. I don't know how much of this s*** I can take. Are there any men over there worth bothering with, if yes then post me a picture my come over for a close look!!! I'm going to send you know who a valentine card and put your name it hope you don't mind.
Hi Mich I know leaving me has left you scarred emotionally and physically well your on your way and I can only hope you dont forget the stabbing pain of our final night together XXXXXX T
Hi Mich, Glad to hear you have arrived safely! Im just looking out the window at work trying to imagine it being 34 degrees instead of dull and grey!! Beach resort sounds great! Enjoy and look after yourself!
Dr Dorothy
Hi michelle
This is dorothy your bowel consultatant. Just to remind you that you missed you last appointment and that you must keep taking those tablets regulalry as prescribed to keep the flatulence under control.
If you have any questions do get back to me.
Its just so hard carrying on here without you- the whole country has come to a stand still. I heard rumours that Tony Blair is sending some foreign office officials to Thailand to get the latest in person on how you are doing. But im not sure that is going to be enough for the UK people. I've tried to help by setting up 'missing michelle' helpgroups and telephone lines. The samaritans are inundated.
I suppose once the first week has passed it will seem easier and we can start taking down the posters of you from the bill boards across the country.
Hope you are having fun. Dont forget its illegal to go to topless - i dont want to come and have to bail you out from a Thai prison- cause you know i wont.
Keep me updated.
Missing you loads and loads and loads
He babes really sorry i never made your birthday or leaving do i will make up for it when you return and take you out for a splash up meal cos you will be so skint when you get back.
all the best dont do anything i would do, and watch out for thoes ladyboys !!!!
see if you can get a real filthy picture of a nice babe and send it to me. !!!
love you, peace out will be thinking of you. love to nats as well.
love greg
hey!! found the website!! i will keep track at what your up to!! good luck xxx