just a quickie, kevin says go to manly beach - its much better than bondai, and more relaxed (but what do i know - ive never been anywhere so dont shoot the messenger if im wrong!)
Love Gemma xxx
Just wanted to say hi, and tell you that im missin you and let you know about the school disco last night - AT SCHOOL - was fantastic...the kids told emma and me that we were under no circumstances to embarras them or show them up in any way, so we bought legwarmers and leggings and headbands and did the whole fame thing - it was brilliant - well and truly embarrased them haha! my legs ache a bit from doing oops upside your head, and we did the cha cha slide 4 times (twice for ks1 and twice for ks2!) it was dance routine central haha
Lots of love
Gemma xxx
Yo! *high five*
How is your biro-adorned foot :( I think you should come back here where bugs are safer...
I can't believe you met neighbours people! Send some sun home please you don't need all of it considering you got sunburned
builders won't be the same :( I'm going to make a cardboard cut out of you I think and bring it with me xxx
Went to Oceana without you on Friday, it was sad, but my friend spent most of the time in the ballroom so didnt even step foot on cheeseroom dancefloor - that will be wierd on friday when you are not there for builders!
These little sums we have to do to say we aren't spam are getting more difficult you know - started off as 3+2 not its 5+4 - if the numbers get much bigger I'm gonna need a calculator hehe
Loving your photos btw
Love Gemma xxx
Oo I've just noticed we can *rate* your blog entries!!
...just an observation.
...no pressurexxx
P.s. I hear it's some sort of 'australia day' today (or should that be yesterday?) has it been manic? I went past a pub and there were looooads of people in huuge hats celebrating!
so where is the Ramsey Street sign going?? It has been noticed that you were on the bus with it in your arms! Did you hide the wombat under the seat??
Hey there, I first met you ages ago when I was staying with your grandparents (Pompa and Jane) in the UK. They showed me incredible hospitality and support as I did my OE (overseas experience) from the southern to northern hemisphere. I would love to be able to reciprocate when you venture to NZ... bit more laid back than OZ, more crap at sport but better accent and heaps of fun stuff to do. HAve a spare car for you even (air con stuffed but am sure you can handle that).
HAHAHAHA Cazzy you are sooo funny - Mel told me to come on here and read your message and I am now chuckling away to myself - the cleaner emtying the bin behind me must think im mental! (Im at school btw)
And Mel, what is it you are supposed to be bringing back for Caz? Hmmm, the REAL THING does sound interesting hehe
LOt sof love, and keep the blogs coming!
Gemma xxx
A wombat? Awwwwww! This thing confuses me - it says it's 6.30am local time but you're writing about 10.30 am on the same day...which hasn't happened yet....
Haha there's a box in the top right hand corner of the message box saying 'Solve this sum: 3 + 1 =...' because apparently it lets you know I am a real person and not posting spam. Personally, I think that's a bit unfair. What about the 'dimmer' portion of the population who are now wandering around questioning their existence because they don't work well with numbers? (if this thing throws me out now I will be gutted). And I think it is still possible to post spam (I'm doing well so far with this ramble...)
Anyway, I'll stop being fascinated with the site (eventually) - it's so nice that you've found a group of people already. And I must remind you of your challenge Miss Cutter! I think, since you can download photos easily off the web these days, you need to bring back the REAL THING!! All you need is a very large sack and a watertight decoy...
Mwahaha have fun!xxx
Oh Mel, getting lost already?! Just dont lose your ticket home hehe! We've planned builders already, 1st Feb - we'll be thinking of you xxx
you got lost?? what a surprise XX
Hello, I was going to come on here and leave you your first message,but i see michael has got there first - its not a competition shep! have a safe travel and take lots of pics - i cant wait to see where you are and what you are up to!