Hey you, met up real easy with Caz, just off out now!
love you lots and lots xxxxxxxxxxxx
hapy v day to you too Vernon hope you got a rose...
beautiful photos xxx
yea that was a good blog, safe trip, i'm sure the beaches will be nice, but not as nice as thailand HAHA :) love you xxx
Mataus. Need advice. Booking our trip around the world for June, need advice, tips and where to buy information!!
just had to pop over to Toronto........CANADA for a few days work, place to go if you like snow, they had 3 feet in 2 days very nice city though, they are mad on ice hockey, so I just had to watch it in the bars, Argie sounds great, though you must be off to Brazil soon. keep following the sun!!!!!!!!!
yeh cheers for the tip uni boy, i agree, paragraphs do make an easier read!! argentina is absolutely awesome. we've basically been chilling the hell out in buenos airies sucking in the culture of pro evo and american idol in the lounge of our hostel and putting beers on the tab lol. hada great exploration day of the city yesterday though, really cool. going to stay here for the weekend as the weathers gona bit s*** so will go to the beaches on monday prob. just snap back relax in the hostel where its cheap and watch the premiership all weekend. big games on sunday!! manc derby will be sweet. free barb and beer tonight happy days. hows everything back hoem in Ingles??
Vernon!! When it come to writing a decent read, I think mat tips you, but at least you have heard of paragraphs!!! Put some back into it! xx
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha yes jo
i should hope not too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mat would have a slightly angry girlfriend to say the least...
mat - 'yes jo'? where's the rest of my message lol XXXXXXXXXX
lol what the hell, defo not gona happen!! arrived in buenos airies today, looks a like a pretty cool city! but still as city all the same so asap gona head down the coast and get our tans back at the beach! prob gona stay down south at maya del plata or something liek that, chillout and surf/beach footy for a few weeks! then head up to the iguazu falls and pop into paraguay then across to brazil before the final stretch!! xxx
Mum Xx
There is that of course !! If you are going to get caught at all it might as well be whilst you are having the times of your life !!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, if you get chased round the world by any one of the girls you've left behind, you'll be very glad you accomplished the Number One Sporting Event To See Before You Die......