Enjoyed looking at your photo's they are a real mix of experiences. Trying not to be envious and wishing you loads of fun. XX
love all the fun details just so pleased you are both having a great time,meeting new people and finding great hideouts.pleased you didnt get arrested on the train.i am going to look for photos now to check that you still look like my little boy love you mum xps fancy you reading for relaxation maybe now you begin to see why it is x my escape
Josh says you will have to fight him to get your job back, Adriaan has got a new van, (which realy goes), with all the jacks back there's no room for your elephant.
good news that you are in India and happy.thanks for keeping in touch.My orphan elephant hasnt arrived yet....love mum x
You and your elephants....!
Yr mum passed on blog details so I can follow your great adventures.
Sounds like you are having fantastic fun and lots of new experiences. Enjoy and keep safe.
Karen XX (Parkin that is!)
wow,great update worth waiting for and i read and re read to get the detail,in case i missed anything on the phone.
ivan sounds to have been a brilliant find,sure you will meet lots more lovely people on your travels.
envious and so happy for you love mum xx
wow,great update worth waiting for and i read and re read to get the detail,in case i missed anything on the phone.
ivan sounds to have been a brilliant find,sure you will meet lots more lovely people on your travels.
envious and so happy for you love mum xx
hi boys!! and girl! amazing to get your messages i only just remembered about your email with the blog on it!! everything sounds so amazing I am very jealous-stuck in rainy England with the flu! It sounds like you are spending your time very well, not so much Morgs with her £100 beauty treatments... especially the facial hair removal cream! did make me laugh though, typical Morgan. As for me, I am in Hereford at the moment, planning on hitting hereford town massive tomorrow night with hopey powelly and nic. Looking forward to seeing them all! keep me updated, missing you all, I wish there were more tuk tuks in Hereford. Shame about the trains, did they live up to the raggleness of that indian film we watched?! Come back soon please, Hereford is one big tumbleweed without you guys. Much love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
MATTHEW!! so its taken me about five years to figure out how to comment on here.. but aah im so excited for you its sounds beautiful! hope you are taking lots of pics to show us all when you get home (especially of huges bald leg- what a treat i missed), and cant beleive morgs spent all that money.. dear lord. brilliant! haha. you havnt really missed much here to be honest.. the snows gone (i spent about 2 hours building a massive snowman and looked out the windown just in time to see some chavs pulling its head off and well just generally being rude. actually cried haha) and now just bog standard english weather. only news i have is........ have booked my tickets to india!! leave on the 24th march... so excited! anyway lovely have an amazing time and be safe and send my love to huge etcetc, byeeeeeeeeee!!xxxxxxxxxx
Hey,great to get news of all you are doing sounds fantastic!!just finished five loads of laundry that i hauled out of your room,what a lot of jeans you have!!
love to hear all about templesetc,must be amazing.keep safe love you mum and tim ,oh yes we didnt get to scotland so your news brightens us up!
Godmother Sue
Thanks for my first ever email from Sri Lanka, Matthew, and the link to your blog which I'll be checking daily!