With only 3 days remaining of my time in Asia, here are some of the highlight's from what I would like to call the "Experienced" part of my journey. Last time I checked in to blogsville I was in Khao-Sok National Park, a whole lot has gone down since then so here we go!
Left the jungle with my new travel buddy Emil the dane with our sights set on Sihanoukville, Cambodia. This was my suggestion seeing as I visited the place not 2 months ago with the Gap group, Emil had not been there before and he bought into my banter about how awesome and cheap it is so we booked ourself a flight from Surat-thani to Bangkok. Getting there proved to be a slightly bigger challenge than we first anticipated, as our flight was at 8am or something, meaning some awkward travel times. Being that early we made a plan to rock up to the airport the night before and sleep in the terminal. However, this being a rather small airport, we got there at 11pm and were told its closed. FML. We ended up walking 2km down the dark and dangeourus thai highway and sleeping outdoors at a truckstop (I know, right!) and got about 1hour sleep before getting up at 6am and flying away.
We spent two days in Bangkok loafing around before catching a bus to the Cambodian border. Stopped for 20min or so to play hackysack with some local dudes after crossing over, payed the 1000baht visa fee and we were on our way. Met some fantastic people on the journey (as you do) and some annoying local tul-tuk drivers as you also do. Left my wallet at the border town but was lucky enough to run back and retrieve it and catch a bus only 30mins later.
Sihanoukville welcomed us with open arms, a lush temperature, cheap 6$ accommodation and the cold refreshing Ankor beer. Happy to be back for sure. Last time I was here we were on limited time so it felt great not having to stress out about fitting everything in. Being familiar with the area also helped us get around. Not often Ive had the pleasure of going back somewhere on my travels that I really liked and it was either Sihanoukville or Vang Vieng for my money! The next ten days we're solely spent lying on the beach, drinking coconuts, watching all the beautiful people enjoying themself's and doing exactly whatever I woke up thinking I wanted to do on that particular day. Now that's traveling;).
Some of the highlights from Round 2 in Cambodia included watching a couple on new movie releases at the local "Top Cat" cinema, a day in which we rented an airconditioned gaming room for PS3 with the new Gran Tourismo 5 and CoD: Black Ops (first time Ive played either game or any game for that matter in 4 months^^) , a day spent on a "Booze Cruise" with about 30-40 young persons getting drunk on a boat with included island lunch and stops for swimming and jumping off the boat (I did one helluva nice backflip or 3 off that boat!) and other miscellaneous activities you can find at the beach. With Emil being a certified diver, myself and our new Kiwi friend Reegan went with Emil on a dive boat with optional snorkelling! Great way to spend a day, sleeping on deck cruising between gorgeous island and snorkelling in the clear waters of south-west Cambodia. This is the part when you really get jealous hehe! We had booked our ticket back to Bangkok for 7pm after the dive trip but we were late back to the mainland and ended up missing our bus! Lucky for us the female Cambodian travel agents didnt see much harm in changing our tickets to the next night and have us stay in town one more day:) We had at this point however checked out of our guesthouse and upon return we learned it was completely full. So instead of paying 45$ for a nice room up the road or 2$ for not so nice dark and damp dormitory, me and Emil cuddled up with Reegan in his single bed room and watched Discovery channel until we all fell alseep. Slept at airport: Check. Slept at truckstop: Check. Shared a bed with two other dude's: Check. Gotta love being on a tight budget!
After an unexpected but much enjoyed extra day on the Serendipity beach, Sihanoukville, me and Emil left for Bangkok. This is a great example of how some Asian people dont like to lose face or seem like they simply just dont know the answer to your question. When we asked if the bus was direct to the border, we were told "yes its direct and you will arrive at 12.30pm tomorrow.". Perfect! I thought... We departed at 8pm, and if you google a map of Cambodia our frustration in the next part of this tale. At midnight we came to a stop on our sleeper bus, only to find ourself in Phnom Penh! Basically almost by Vietnam! We then drove 6 hours to Siem Reap and were told to change bus (something we were told we did not have to do), waited for 2 hours on the side of the road for a new bus to take us 5 minutes down the road to yet another new bus and THEN got on a bus to the thai border. It is now 3pm and we are still in Cambodia, meaning its not 12.30 and Bangkok. Travelling like this still sometimes has its pro's. We got to meat some lovely people along the way and shared many a laugh at our situation. Hung out with Wong from Hong Kong and the lovely Hwang from Korea, who I would later (to quote myself) join forces with in the Thai capital.
Without running the risk of this blog running too long, Ill stop here and save the best for last. I still have some great stories of my 4th trip to Bangkok. I thought I had seen and done it all, but boy's and girl's, make sure you click on again in a couple of days, the next entry has everything you want in a quick read, and MORE!
Untill then, hope your enjoying this beautiful Sunday wherever you are, I sure am:)
- comments
Sander you know pretty much everyone says that modern warefare2 is so much better than black ops