02/03/09 Phuket
12am and we're going ok, it's pretty cramped but we're coping, the bus stops and we have some very spicy curry and try to get back to sleep when the air con starts dripping onto me, plus it's bloody freezing now! The driver tells us to move seats but the only free ones are at the very back and one of the seats is broken, Matt upsets the host man who is later really rude to me. We wake up every hour until we finally arrive stiff necked and frozen. The bust cost us 500 and a taxi driver wants 500 to take us 14km, in the mood we're in Mattie manages a smile but tells him where to go. We get a big taxi pick up thingy to Patong and Mattie's pigeon instinct tells him where to get off (we really have no idea) we find a place to stay and then fall asleep for a couple of hours. When we wake up we decide to venture to the beach but Mattie wants to grab a bite to eat first, he just finishes up when the heavens open and it rains and rain and rains and rains and rains some more, no beach then! We make a dash for it to the shopping centre nearby much to the disgust of the waitress who wants us to wait until it's cleared bum around in there for a few hours and then go back to our hostel when it finally stops to shower and put some dry clothes on.
In the evening we head over to the busy street where it has literally come alive since the sun's gone down, there are semi-clad girls dancing everywhere loads of bars trying to pull you in and lot's of people who want to take you to the ping pong show! It's crazy!!!
We find a bar and have a few beers and just watch the craziness unfolding around us before we go home.
03/03/09 Phuket
Not wanting to be beaten by the rain today we get up reasonably early and go straight to the beach, it's quite overcast still but really hot, the beach is nice and the water is warm. We stay out for a couple of hours but then it starts to rain so we go and get some lunch, shower, change and realise that we're both quite badly sunburned somehow! We spend the rest of the afternoon just wondering around, get some food, Mattie eats some ice-cream and we chill with some beer outside our room.
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