The next morning we didn´t even cook breakfast, we just packed up the van and left. Needed to get as far away as possible from those frogs in the loo!
After a couple of hours driving we stopped off at a place called Wycliffe Well, this is the site of the most UFO landings in the whole of Australia! Really it was just a petrol station in the middle of nowhere, we couldn´t even see any houses around. But, they had made a real go of attracting tourists with Alien figures outside and "UFOs" hanging from the ceiling inside. We took a couple of funny photos, filled up with petrol and left.
We had stopped at a tourist office a couple of days before and read about some rock formations called "The Devils Marbles" (side note for Mum, there is no apostrophe, as in all place names in Australia!). They are a collection of huge, round, red-coloured boulders formed from old volcanic rock that has been eroded. We stopped here for brunch and made egg and sausages in the shade of the information display. The heat was still getting to us and it seemed hotter than usual.
We made it to another free rest stop and made dinner, the flies were more than annoying again and Scott and Gem were fighting over the fly hat - Gem won as she was cooking! We managed to find a very cheap box of goon on our travels so drunk almost the whle thing that night playing Who am I until quite late. It is always helpful when we drink before going to sleep, you don´t even notice the sounds of the bush around you and you get a very nice nights sleep.
The next day we made it to Queensland and as we drove on the surroundings got greener and greener. More and more trees appeared and we were grateful of more scenery than just red sand and the odd bit of shrubbery! When we stopped for lunch it Matt put the thermometer out and it showed that it was over 42 degrees, we may have been out of the desert but it was still VERY hot!
On our last night before reaching Townsvi8lle we stayed at another free campsite by the side of a river. Very nice surroundings for our evening meal and Scott had treated us to some beer and even bought a bucket of ice, much appreciated! We played Uno and watched the bats flying overhead and went to bed knowing that the next day we would reach real civilisation and finally have made it to the coast.
FINALLY, we made it to Townsville around lunchtime the next day and wasted no time in finding a place to park and getting our "swimmies" on! We had a great time in a rockpool, very clean and even Gem enjoyed a swim in the deep end! We spent the afternoon drying off on a hillside before treating ourselves to a Dirty Granny!!!
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