Glad you got there all right - New York sounds about as cold as South London right now, but its 06:51 and I'm about to start a 7 and 1/2 hour shift, so I think you've got a better deal!
Anyway, good to hear its going okay.
Watching the sight with great interest (and jealousy!),
Im glad to hear you arrived safely!! Sounds like you're having a good time, hopefully see some photos soon!! I wanna see both of you with your rucksacks on!! xxxx
we are watching your progress on the internet, so be careful what you say. All the very best for your trip.
Granny and grandad.
Big Sis Wagstaff!
Good to read your postcard and hear that the two of you arrived safely in New York! Mum and Dad woched you land on the internet- bless them! Can't wait to see the photographs and no doubt be even more jealous than I already am! Take care Ange (and Matthew!)! Lots of kisses!!, your Big Sis X
Andrew, am impressed with your email and remembering my birthday!! Sorry for being crap and not calling you two before you left - am crap friend but was thinking of you on thursday. New York is great - suggestions = go to Toys R Us in Times Square (it has good arcade games), go up the Empire State Building in the evening/afternoon (that way you can see both day and night) and also go watch the baseball. Hope you are having a good time and dont eat too much crap!
Lots of love xxx
P.S. John says your a f*****.
Us Pidgeons
Hope you had a good flight. Can't wait to see some photos.
Hello! Really hope you arrived safely-will look forward to hearing about all your adventures! Stay safe-will be praying for you both. Love Chlo xx
Think the sites a great idea. Im so jealous of you both, I wish I could spend 5 months exploring the world, but im stuck exploring a small Welsh town! Make sure you update the site regularly so we can all see what you're up too. I have to agree with Adam about one last trip to the Embassy, as a kind of fair well piss up! James
The One And Only
good idea to set up this site, although i do think its a bit unfair that we have to watch you two having a great time in some other country while we are all stuck with the miserable weather here! Glad i wasnt the first geek to put something on here Sillars! See you all in a few weeks! I think one last trip to the Embassy is needed for old times sake! adam.
Guess Who?
Ha Ha, like the site. U should put some pics on here so people know what real goon's look like. lol.
Nah sounds wicked have a great time and i will c u guys in a few weeks and we can have just ONE good bye beer.