Hey guys!
been a while since a last posted a posty on ere, and this ones gona be kinda short but more to come 2mo probably with the Laos photos also...
the 24 hour bus from hanoi to the capital of Laos, Vientiene, wasnt as bad as it sounded! had a drunken dutch, arsey american, entertaining english guys and a swiss senorita, only 6 of us, which meant SPACE! SPACE ON A BUS! so managed to get some good kip in.. arrived at the border high up in the mountains at around 4-30 am, then waited there in the FREEZING COLD weather til the border opened at 7, then blasted our way through the gorgeous mountainous laos countryside and into Vientiene. a very beautiful city, and quite small center too, along the mekong river. had a few days there, where i met 3 guys Dan, Sean, and Mark and also a moroccon madman (arh the illiteration you love it), and a couple swedish lasses from the halong bay trip, a decided to push up to northern Laos with them. my first night i went to the gym and swimming pool outside the city for a much needed workout, very nice gym, all the modern machines. then hit the riverside cafes for dinner. found a cool place to chill there and played and sung to the guitar all night and eventually crashed out at around 5am after watching the arsenal game on ESPN. the next day was pretty mcuh the same, gym and some footy followed by dinner (moroccan businessman guy paid for ze whole dinner yar!) ensuite nous went to most of the clubs until about 5am again, with a much lightened wallet. with a hangover cure of chicken curry and i met up with everyone and we decided to go hardcore and take a local bus up to vang viene. best decision ever! no sarcism either, really was great! cost us about 80p for a 4 hour bus trip. i cannot explain how full the bus was, u just have to check out the photos coming soon....hilarious trip, never laughed so hard in my life! found a cool hotel here, got a 4 bed room so all us guys only have to pay a dollar a night, not arf bad. went out on the piss in the town, then chilled out on a raft on the river with a bar nearby, ended up falling asleep on the river, and waking up to one hell of a view of the river and the gorge. ok, more to come soon, gota go for dinner........ ben tubing down the river all day and vvvvvvvery hungry (tubing is awesome, tens of backpackers, in rubber rings, tubing down the river and then every now and then there are huge cliff jumps and mad swings.. so much fun its untrue. hard to get much happier right now!
off for some more delicious food and cheap beers, maybe catch a movie in the restaurant and then to a lounge bar for the utd chelsea game....
in a while crocodile, will write and put photos on 2mo... X
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