Looks like you guys are having so much fun so far!! Well jel!!! xx
Martin & Sophie
We have photos but none of martin in his mankini - yet!!!! Camera breaks everytime we try!!! The suns not allowed to come out till be come back! Luckily the creepy crawlies have stayed away ... so far... (apart from Rambo III the fly on the bus!) x x x
Tony Jones
marti please send photo of yourself on the beach with your mankini we are all waiting.and any pictures of baywatch being filmed.
I also would be scared of the crawly creatures remember to check your shoes before putting them on!! Flight was longer than I though. you need to sleep guys or if your walking around as zombies you two will also look scary . An unknown species hehe mum x
Becks Rice
You should have gone and seen my mum and dad in Singapore! Oh well. Thanks for the updats. Glad you guys are having fun. The sun has finally come out in Bristol! Wo0hoo!!
It was a 8 hour flight from Singapore to sydney and then a 3 hour flight from Sydney to Alice springs. We managed 27 hours with no sleep (new record set by team Martin& Sophie) and are now supporting the zombie look after a hour power nap to keep us going until tonight!!!
Paranoid about dangerous creatures - thanks dad! Sophie x
5 1/2 hrs flight to Aussy from Singapour is better than 13 hrs that you had to start with, should be a doddle, don't forget your 9 hrs in front not 8 like Singapour your heads will be spinning clock wise ,
Now you are in the southern hemisphere,remember to look up at the stars.....you will see the whole of the milky way. Also the water goes down the plug hole in the opposite direction love Dad E
will we all have a postcard from all the places you visit ? that would be nice.
Martin & Sophie
A postcard from Singapore has been sent! We are waiting around for the flight now and have eaten loads while doing so. See you in Auz x