Hi, thought we should do a quick sum up of our time spent in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore as we're moving onto Indonesia and expect things to be quite different there to what we have seen of Asia so far. We've really enjoyed the last few weeks and will definitely look forward to going back to Kuala Lumpur before we go home.
Days travelled = 27
Islands visited = 8
Modes of transport = 11
Favourite place = (M) KL… (K) Melaka
Worst place = (M) KK… (K) Sandakan (both for lack of things to do!)
Best meal = (M) Chinese on Cheung Chau… (K) Curry in Singapore (although I think we'd both have put Sandra's roast dinner if it wasn't technically supposed to be Asian food!
Worst meal = (M) some kind of dried fishy tasting cabbage/sauerkraut at a service station in Borneo… (K) Laksa in Penang that tasted of fur (although my preserved egg at a Chinese in Hong Kong was a close second - just looking at the thing!!)
Best day = (M) first diving day in Mabul… (K) same
Worst day = (M) Travelling from KK to Sandakan - very boring! … (K) Second day in Perinthians - sunburn + lack of fan/AC
Best journey = (M) Star ferry in HK… (K) Boat cruise in Melaka
Worst journey = (M) Perinthians to Melaka - far too long… (K) Penang to Jerteh - sub-zero bus temp!
Fav animal = (M) Sea turtles (Mabul)… (K) Pandas
Bottles of Bacardi sneakily consumed in bars/restaurants = 4
Tubes of Pringles = 4
Packs of other crap crisps = too many
Fav beverage = (M) the drink I had in my hand when city knocked united out the cup (25th of the night or something like that)… (K) Bacardi/lime juice concoctions
Most overused Bahasa phrase = 'dua mee goreng dan dua coke light..terima kasih' - 'two fried noodles and two cokes..cheers for that'
Things we liked… Martin's haircut with massage machine in KL, roti bread and dhal, Malaysian people, cheap food, hot weather, diving, pandas (esp. red ones), wanton noodle soup, beaches, buffalo, good luck that City have while in these countries.
Things we didn't like… crisp choice (again!! - what we'd do for some walkers cheese and onion!), bus temperature, constantly being fed naf chicken curry at Mabul beach resort, dodgy Borneo time zone meaning that the sun comes up before 5 and wakes you up!
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