World Travelling with Mark And Lilly
Mark and I are now in s***ty San jose where we did not plan at all to come but Rebecca and Aaron'a plans have changed and we missed them by a day. We spent only three days on the Nicaraguan coast as we wanted to meet them as soon as possible. Popoyo two hours from Rivas on bad roads is quite touristy but only packed with surfers.
the wind blows force 8 to 10 24 hours a day and gives funny surprises, finding ur bickini or rash vest in the restaurant or meters further away in the streets. wave was nice first day three feet but the offshore wind kept me flat and I could not stand up, the two following days were smaller and really fun except for these two Israelis who dropped on everyone. One IDIOT dropped in on me and made me hit my head on his board and then told me to fu%% off and that all the waves he paddles for are his...
His mate (other israeli) dropped on me on my wave to get out. U cant believe how much I like Israeli surfers now!!!!!!! No manners, rude, loud and greedy in the water, everyone hates them!
We are now heading to the south tomorrow to Dominical, and then Pavones to find Becky and aaron...hopefully
where are they?
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