I've never been one for hitch hiking but it came down to a simple choice... Pay the taxi drive the extortionate €35 to traverse the 18km gorge and spend a second day not eating or try find an alternative and get to eat something more than the few remaining pine nuts and dried apricots I have left in my pack.
I'm Hungry...
I can smell breakfast cooking in the refuge refectory but I'm scared to spent the taxi fare. I have exactly €43.50 to make it to Thessaloniki and my pre paid bus outta here. €35 for taxi plus €8.50 for the bus. Now that's flying by the seat of your pants. Did I mention I left my wallet in UK so no way to get more money!
Unable to bare the smell any longer I don my pack and boots, munch down my last remaining nuts for a small boost of energy and set off down the mountain. (7am)
I make sweet time as it's all down hill, I grimace at the previous days memories and the torment I pushed my already exhausted body through getting to the summit after Meteora. I smile politely and nod at the courageous hikers setting off up so early with intentions of the summit. "Yah So" I greet them in local tongue and plunge for the finish. I make incredible time dropping 1200m in 90mins and collapse in a pile at the bottom beside a row of trucks.
The moment has come, I send up a quick prayer (add some tongue for Holy spirit boost/power up) and hope God is listening. (I am at 2100m thats practically a direct call to heaven!)
It's 8.30am and deserted. Not a soul in sight. I hear distant rumbles as a car full of 3 Greek travellers arrives they spend an eternity gearing up and then head for the mountain. This process repeats a couple of times before a taxi shows up and deposits some clueless looking tourists in vests and trainers. I quickly send a prayer up for them also!
It is now 11hrs until my international bus leaves Thessaloniki 100km away for Turkey with no money to buy another ticket if I miss it.
(So this is the life of a traveller!)
Every fibre of my being cries to grab the taxi and jump in and pay the cash.... But then my empty stomach rumbles and I dig in, I watch the tail lights turn a corner and leave forever....
I've made my bed, time to sleep in it.
Another 30mins pass. Nothing. Then a slight screech off breaks startles the herd of mules causing a cacophony of cow bells to rattle in horrific dis chord. A Volkswagen polo literally drifts on two wheels round the corner and parks two cars up from where I have reclined on my pack. I hear rapidly spoken Greek voices before two doors open and a man &woman walk off. I strain to see the driver, I lie on my belly to see if he will re enter the car, scanning between the wheels of the other vehicles. His feet leave the ground and I hear the drivers door close and engine turn over....
Despite having no energy I pounce! Leg it round the car and catch his attention as he begins to reverse. "Are you heading to Litohoro?"
I'm greeted by a blank face from the greying, well tanned 70 year old. He unleashes a couple of sentences in Greek I have no clue what they mean. I do the typical tourist and repeat slowly again. The same blank response.
I go European. "L I T O H O R O?" Making sure to accent up at the end to imply a question. He nods, I gesture to the seat and make the hitch hike gesture. He still looks doubtful creasing he aged brow.
I sense I'm about to loose my chance as he moves to change into reverse. I change tactic. I grab into my pocket and grab a €10 note hoping the Greek economy is as bad as BBC reports, that should cover petrol for the journey 4 times over. I say clearly "€10 litochoro"
He takes to note, points at the back and ushers me in.
We sit in uncomfortable silence with no shared language for the next 30 mins as he turns into a rally driver round the switch back bends. But I sit with a Cheshire grin upon my face. €25 Euros for food and a celebratory beer. I plan my happy eating all the way back to Thessaloniki.
- comments
Brenda Fantastic nailbiting blog I was crying at the thought of your rumbling stomach and cheering as you stepped into the Vw See God answers prayer xx
Chris Mainland Nothing like a money shortage to ensure you are stll a traveller and not a tourist!