The Great Wall of China
Despite popular belief the Great Wall is actually a collection of smaller walls. Multiple Dynasty and 208 years later the wall was constructed at the cost of 2-3million lives.
Freaking People! My fairytale notions of a ruined wall in the middle of nowhere were obliterated within seconds as we walk off the bus to be greeted by most of China all climbing the wall, a holiday pilgrimage for the masses. AND this be no ruined wall, but a perfectly maintained tourist attraction.
We push our way through the thronging masses to treacherous pinnacle some 800m above sea level and find myself grabbed by two Chinese girls wanting their picture taken with me. Is it my Charisma? Great looks? Beard? Or just the fact I'm western? I put on my best winning smile no matter the answer! A Chinese Munro of sorts at this point most locals give in and turn back leaving myself, Chris and 4 remaining pupils the freedom to breath.
Like children we take off at a running pace bounding down the giant steps, insane slopes and impossible ascents. To be frank it was less a run and more a controlled free fall gravity taking the lions share of the effort.
We arrive at our final climb legs shaking, breathing laboured, slightly nauseous and rosy cheeked. I fall upon all fours and with last remains of energy attacked my prey Gollum style. Lactic acid courses through my limbs and dodgey right leg spasms in reminder that I should not have climbed that bloody fence 5 years ago.
But... astride the final tower in our Great Wall adventure with the first clear blue sky we have seen in a week and the view of 1000's of kilometres of wall disappearing as far as the eye can see it was worth the pain.
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