Miss you like crazy you naughties. Think we might give up work, sell the house and come find you.Or at least we wish we could.
We already excited about you coming back to live with us.We were pretending you were here the other day.
Anyway, we gotta stop all that soppy stuff otherwise we'll flood christchurch with our tears xxxxx
So, the seal puppy in your pics. Did you put him in your bag for me(lar). I'm not allowed a dog but the hub didn't say anything about seals! I love him he looks so cute please send him to me. I will call him Fletch even tho Ill sound funny in the park shouting " fetch fletch fetch"! Mind u who cares what I'm shouting, I'm in the park walking a seal!!!!
Love you crazy kids lots and lots and lots and lots.
Miss you
Bro and Sil Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum & Dad Watson
Hi u 2
Not been able to get onto this site at home so I am using computer at work, (dont tell the Boss that I am taking taking time out, he might be jealous!) Just needed to see a picture of you two as I am missing you like crazy.
Haven't received parcel yet, so I guess its still on route.
Hope all is well with you and that your feeling 100% better. Dad and I are fine.
Although last week I didnt feel like cooking so he offered to get a chinese and broke down in the middle of Fridays Cross, causing chaos, a couple of lads pushed him to the side of the road and he sat there until the breakdown service arrived. Four hours later 11.30pm he arrived home with the landcruiser on trailer. Hungry, thirsty and tired. Not a happy bunny! Its now fixed but not sure how long it will last.
Pat and Tracey are down for the week end and we are all going to see Tony Stockwell at the BIC I am looking forward to it. Will let you know what happens.
Just seen Andy Maynard and he asked after you both so I gave him an update.
Cant wait to hear the next installment, so look after yourselves, big hugs and kisses and lots of love
hey hey... I've had to come to Birmingham to find the little faces- how bizarre. Oh how hey tease me, I can see the little face but it won't let me use him. Flippin rude!
Anyhoo... how the devil are you both? Missing you lots at the mo. Me & And had a little sad day on Sunday after the race for life cos we wanted you to be here...
We've been on our little trip to Mallorca for Dads b'day which was fab and I'm off to Lisbon on the annual 'work conference' (aka one almighty **** up !!). Staying at an amazing hotel so I'll take pics to show you.
Han, I bought two dresses yesterday and really need you to tell me which one to wear next tuesday. Where are ya!!!!
I'm sitting in a hotel reception in Brum at the mo, thinking I might go and have a little beer as a reward for the long drive up and for being kept away from my lovely hub for the first of 4 whole nights :(
Time seems to be going so fast, we're heading to your second month as married folk. Amazing.
Don't know who was on this keyboard before me but it's all greasy...YUK!!
So Mr & Mrs F, hopefully speak to you soon. Don't you be calling whilst I'm in Lisbon(I get back Sat night)
Love you loads and we both miss you heaps and heaps with heaps on top of that
Its Lynsey and Dave, at your desk having coffee! Its 08.55.
Hope everythings is oing okay enjoying yourself, as you most probably will guess ive got an email address now and i will send you some message as soon as i can.
Would love to see some nice photos of your travels.
Take Care see you soon,
Nik & Chris
Am busy sulking now, I am having to type this message all over again because apparently I GOT THE SUM WRONG!!!!!! NowI know I am bad a maths but anyone knows 5 + 2 = 9 (ONLY JOKING) Please tell me I'm not going mad it's 7 I know it is.
Hope you are both having the time of your lives, can wait for the next installment! Right now here in Ringwood it is hammering it down and we have thunder and lightning, so as you can imagine I am having difficulty typing this from under my desk! Good job I have a cordless keyboard.
Listen you two look after yourselves and each other and we are looking forward to the next instalment of Mark and Han's Big Adventure.
Nik, Chris, Jack and Haz xxxxxxxxx (Lets hope I get the sum right this time...shall copy and paste just in case!)
P.S I gotta go shopping now! What are great night that was! I only have to hear Santana and a smile creeps across my face!
Aude Hammond-Darcy
Hi Guys!
Great to see you r having the time of your life - pics are great, have been browsing your site with the boys who were desesperately trying the see the Devil's Nose.!! They ve given up now, Nolan's back on the xbox, Kian is busy emptying the box ear buds and Patrik s supervising my spelling! Life in the Hammond's household is pretty exciting as you can see!
Work 's pretty crazy at the moment, still waiting for your replacement to start...Lynsey s going back to Xchurch next week so we r pretty short staffed! might be time for you to think about coming back!!....
Have applied for the social work degree thingy-was late handing in it-not a surprise really!! but they accepted it anyway! just waiting to hear whether they think I ve been convincing enough! not that bothered actually-what will be will be...
Anyway, best go now, its 19.24 here and i still havent fed the kids....well i m already an excellent CCO, cant be expected to be a good mother!!!
Have a fantastic time - take care of each other and please if you meet Mr Darcy, send him my way!!
Love xAudex
Hey you two,
Keep missing your phone calls! I was at Wembley Stadium listening to Muse on Sunday night when you called...thought i'd just drop that in there, they were fantastic!! I'm still tired and I still ache now from all the moshing (although probably not as much as if i'd climbed up a volcanoe or summit!).
Mum and Dad filled me in on what you've been up to though, as ever it sounds like your having the most amazing time. Hopefully I'll catch you next time you call!!
Take care, lots of love,
Bergerac xox
p.s Kate says hi and sends her love too x
p.p.s. I had a drink with Amy Winehouse in a pub in Camden yesterday....(well we saw her at the other end of the pub anywho, haha!!)
Hey guys!
Those photos look great! They make my travelbug bug me again
Here in little Belgium everything is going it's usual ways...
I'm planning all the promotion for my book (coming out the 10th of September)
and I'm preparing myself again for another Marktrock!! Though it won't be the same without you guys!
I'll drink a Stella for you!
Remember to eat "causa" in Peru and try all of their fantastic cakes!!
They're good against alltitude-sickness when going to the Macchu Pichu ! What an excuse, right!
And don't forget to go for some guinea-pig
Anyway, looks like you're having the time of a lifetime so keep doing what you're doing!
Big hug
Alright team,
Good to speak to you the other day, Kieran hasnt quite grasped the idea that this is one monster holiday youre on but he says he see you soon,
Cant wait for the stories on Galapagos and youre new ones on the bus journey etc,
See you in a minute
Mum And Dad Fletcher
Hi Mark and Han,
Had a little drink(again) to celebrate your 5 week anniversary last evening, just thinking again what a fabulous day it was just want to see the photos, but know that wont be for a while unless anyone out there has some good ones they would like to share!
Wow the Gal. Islands sounds fantastic and cant wait to see the pics and hear the stories.Keep safe and enjoy the next stage of your big adventure , missing you loads. Nana and uncle Colin send their love we,ve have printed off the diary so they can keep up to date and follow you on the map.
All our love and hugs Mum & Dad xxxxxxx
155 sleeps until you're home xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Peter ' Bandit' Flobind
hello my friends..sorry ive been a bit delayed..typical writing issues.there will be duff shorthand and questionible spulling.
u look like ur having a great time there..cool photos..like the trains..
so where r u next...oh hang u cant reply here can u...so mr and mrs flether......HOW BOUT THAT
really great wedding..loved it..perhaps ill have one one day..
well ill be back..have a great time and plenty of laughs..love u both