Mother, i'm impressed,you will be wanting an iphone next although i don't think there is an app for canal barging yet x
Spectacular photos, love the m ules!Andrew, it was a joke, she hated looking like a tourist when she and Dad used to go to London! They couldnt even get a map out in public- they had to go down a side street!! Cant believe I am sending you a mesage via Amys Blog!!!
Hey lil sis, wish i was in vegas! quite a place isn't it?
you have to go up the stratosphere and have a go on the fairground rides at the top!
Mother, i think the rucksacks might give them away!.
Bi Bruv xx
take care in LV. Dont look like toursts or travellers!!
Jane Yates
Hi Mark ans Amy
had a look at your blog today for the first time, it looks as though you are having a great time. It was good to see you in Vancouver
, it was a shame that we did not have time to do more together. As I am writing this there is a note from Lucy to my left, it seems that Thomas prefers low-loaders to Bears that would be Grouse Mountain.
now that I know where to find you i shall keep updated with your blog.
Have fun in the rest of the USA, see you in November.
Jane X
Pleased that you have found time to update your blogs! You are certainlymaking the most of your time, we are so envious!!! Hope you both are keeping well. Miss you lots.xxxxxxx
Sorry! Finally got time to sit down and read all the blogs and see the pics! There are some spectacular photos, I am so envious. I keep viewing them as a slideshow so haven't been able to comment on individual pics. So glad you are having a fabulous time. Thomas has enjoyed the slideshow too, esp pictures of the fish and animals. He also spotted a yellow low-loader (behind a bear I think) and was very impressed! Ella will prob get chance to look tomorrow, at her friends tonight for a sleep over. Miss you lots! xxx
Somehow managed to see your blog before receiving text!! Jane must be on her way home now. Where did you meet her? Will you manage to see Aunty B.? Have viewed your latest photos, spectacular! Has Mark been on a horse before? Bet you wish you were staying in Canada for longer. xx
Hey hey!
As you will see, we have been updating! however, the computer got a lil confused as I tried to upload 2albums at once and it has kind of merged them together! hmmm! I will try and sort them out at some point, jus not now as we've been here for hours and Mark is complaining about the lack of usual!
Jemima - we are here until 30th sept, going to vancouver island over the wknd! Cant believe we've nearly finished Canada..not ready 4 usa yet! We did plenty of hiking in Banff...I did think of you and your mum!! Hope teaching is going well..cant wait 2 hear ur stories..hope they're not throwing paper at u!!
Mummy - no moose yet! Very sad!! HUMF!! Marks wasp sting is almost better..has taken ages!! I like how you dish my tablets out!! he's also had a bad neck..always something!
Saw Jane today, we went up a mountain together and mooched around, we then had lunch! Was lovely seeing her!
Wil be ringing you tomorrow..need your to do something online for me!
Andyroo..yes I have seen bears!! 2 grizzly ones 2day!! they were very cute and one was a bit of a poser! also saw two wolves, but to be honest, they looked like dogs!! China a..yeh..time difference is im getting up..ppl at home r goin 2 bed..well almost!
Goin 2 an ice hockey game 2mo..has to be done in Canada!!
Wots happened to lucy loo?? She was facebookin me..but shes ignoring me now..only wants me when theres gossip!! hehe!!
toodles 4 now! xx
Hey mousey! How you getting on? Thanks for postcard and text! Lin and Mel have gone bak up to sheff today :( Feels weird without them here!
how much longer are you in canada for? Hope its going ok!!!!!!!!!!!! do some hiking for me! I miss it! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Never mind the bears, have you seen any moose yet?
A bit of a difference, vest top and shorts yesterday, layers of clothing and open fires today!!
Dad had a wasp sting which became very swollen. I gave him one of your tablets and it was much better the next day so hope same goes for Mark.
Your photos are stunning. I acn understand you staying an extra day. I wouldnt want to leave either! Tell Jane that the pigs are fine and her house was remarkably clean and tidy!xxx
Hey Lil sis, big bruv here in china only about 16 hours time difference!
looks like your having a marvelous time, seen any bears yet? xx