So, time for a first blog entry. It truly is an appropreate time since I have only 3 more days to go here in Australia.
I came here on the 3rd of February. Why I came to Melbourne is because of my studies in Holland. I did my academic studies in Holland fall 2008 and now I'm doing my practical field work studies here in Australia and Asia.
I have now been approx one month in Melbourne and next I'm moving to Cambodia for a month to do the next fieldwork research project.
It has been a very hectic and eventfull month, hence I haven't had too much time to update my blog except in form of pictures. No better time to do it, than few days before leaving. Ha. I live about one hour train ride from the city, about half way down the bay. I live with a friend and I have met some amazing people while I have been here. Lots of locals, but also plenty of other travellers from all over the world. I have learned that I absolutely love Melbourne. So forth, I have decided to return to Australia for few months more after my travelling in Cambodia and Bali. Now its still summer here and very warm, which probably makes all the difference.
While I have been here I have experienced alot of things. I have seen lot of the sights in the city, but also alot outside of it. It had definately been a month of experiences. Some of the event I have listed in my blog pictures.
I will update my blog more frequently when I get to Cambodia, but bye for now.
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