So glad you're doing well and enjoying yourselves so much. Sounds as though sharing the room isn't so bad after all. Keep piling on the olayers to keep warm but must be brilliant to have the snow there as well - have you skater at Rockerfeller? Have you seen the cowboy in Times Square - you can't usually mss him, he stands on a traffic isand there. Dad and me have started to miss you - house is keeping so tidy and quiet without you (even ASBO is behaving, no police visits), keep well and look after each other.
Love you and started to miss you.
Mum and Dad
Mummy Bunny
well another day done and s you can guess a baby on its way. very exciting. im still missing you so much darling. just cant wait to hear your voice when you can call me. no pressure but tomorrow would be good. (no pressure) have a lovely holiday darling. i love and miss you very much. hope youve picked up the language ok cos we all know how good you are at accents! look after each other and be safe.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hope all ok and your ok having a good time look after each other great things to see im out tonight wink wink marie well god bless i be looking to see what your up to next love dad xxxxxx hope trish birthday meal went ok
Hi there Marie
Dont know when your gonna get to read this message but at the moment I have got my mum and your mum really really excited (sean too but you know what boys are like) They are on the wine but unfortunately I am off alcohol for atleast 9 months! Any ideas? I might have put a bit of weight on in the 6 months your away :-) But the good thing is a baby round the table for christmas dinner :-)
Stay safe
Me xx
mum says she send her love but she is not as computer literate as your mum xx
Had trouble with PC at home, took ages to finally view all the piccies. Everything looks great - keep enjoying yourselves and do it all!! I'll print all the piccies out ready for you when you get home. Stay together and look after each other. Marie, I'm sorry but Krish is not a morning person.
Speak to you again soon.
Hey babes!
OMG you gurls are soooooooo lucky! NY looks amazing! Very envious of you both right now! Wish we all went to share this incredible experience!!!!!
We all missed you lastnight at Jems Bday! I'm sure you raised your glasses tho!
Loving the pics! Keep the journals and pics coming!
Missing you all v v v v much!
Lovya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Daz And Wally
hiya girlies. great to hear from u too! liked the photos and as everyone has said them rain macs are looking good!! we only checked it yesterday and u hadnt updated yet so it was a nice surprise when i looked today!! i thought them lockers looked a bit small to fit your rucksacks in good job u manged to get it all in!!! so have u met any other ppl out there made any other traveling friends? u two have had a jammed packed few days looks like fun!! oh yeah krish the curly hair is looking good!! bet u spent ages in the internet cafe reading ur messages!! well its raining here in kent and not looking forward to work tomorrow!! well have fun and be safe look after each other!!! lots of love us xxxxx
Hayley C
Well it sounds and looks like you are both having an amazing time, hope you had a good birthday krisha, i'm sure you did being in New York!!! was so weird without you at mango joes last night marie. really enjoyed looking through all the photos, it looks amazing. you are so lucky both of you. can't wait to see your next entry. remember to take care of eachother, love ya loads xxxx
Im sooo jealous!!! The photos look fantastic and it looks like your both having a wicked time. I hope you don't fall out of your bed marie!
Enjoy yourselves and take care of each other, looking forward to seeing more photo's xxx
Holly & Les
Hey girls, the photos are fantastic! Really glad u are having a good time. Marie mums not happy about the beds! and she is still waiting for a photo of your knickers! love u both loads. take care xxxxxxx